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EINOPSLGAL - Einstein Survey of Optically Selected Galaxies |
HEASARC Archive |
An Einstein X-ray survey of optically selected galaxies. I. Data Burstein D., Jones C., Forman W., Marston A.P., Marzke R.O. <Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 111, 163 (1997)> =1997ApJS..111..163B
(i) We have combined data from three separate pairs of CDS tables (for ESO, UGC and S-A galaxies, respectively) into one database table. To identify from which original table pair any given entry originates, we created a new parameter galaxy_sample with self-explanatory values of ESO, UGC and S-A. Notice that some of the parameters, such as t_type and bmag, can have somewhat different meanings depending on which sample they come from: carefully check the help section describing the various parameters for a discussion of these subtleties.
(ii) The naming convention used for galaxies in the tables in their original forms was condensed and non-standard, and we have thus converted them to more standard names which, for example, are recognized by the CDS Simbad: thus, the prefix 'N' has been replaced by 'NGC','I' by 'IC', 'U' by 'UGC', and 'E' by 'ESO'. For ESO galaxies we have also removed the embedded 'G' and 'IG' characters: thus, the original name 'E116-IG07' is rendered in this HEASARC table as 'ESO 116-07'.
(iii) In a few cases, we have used different units for parameters than were used in the original tables: arcminutes rather than tenths of arcminutes for the angular diameter (the log_d parameter), and counts per second rather than counts per kilosecond for the X-ray count rate and error (count_rate and count_rate_error parameters, respectively).
The name of the galaxy. The naming convention used for galaxies in the tables
in their original forms was condensed and non-standard, and we have thus
converted them to more standard names which, for example, are recognized by
the CDS Simbad: thus, the prefix 'N' has been replaced by 'NGC','I' by IC',
'U' by 'UGC', and 'E' by 'ESO'. For ESO galaxies we have also removed the
embedded 'G' and 'IG' characters: thus, the original name 'E116-IG07' is
rendered in this HEASARC table as 'ESO 116-07'.
The apparent B Magnitude of the galaxy. For Shapley-Ames galaxies
(galaxy_sample = 'S-A'), this is the BT magnitude or otherwise mB as
given in the computer version of RC2 (de Vaucouleurs et al., 1976, CDS Cat.
<VII/112>, for UGC galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'UGC'), if bmag <= 15.7, this
comes from Zwicky (1961-1968, CDS Cat. <VII/49>) via Huchra
(1976AJ.....81..952H) corrections, otherwise it is just a rough estimate
(accuracy 0.5 - 1.0 mag) by Nilson (1973, CDS Cat. <VII/26>), and for ESO
galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'ESO'), this is as given in the ESO-LV catalog
(Lauberts & Valentijn, 1989, CDS Cat. <VII/115>), or 0.00 if no magnitude
The logarithm of the angular diameter in the B band, in arcminutes. For
Shapley-Ames galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'S-A'), this is the logarithm of the
RC2 observed B mag diameter, log D25, for UGC galaxies (galaxy_sample =
'UGC'), this is the logarithm of the UGC Bmag diameter, and for ESO galaxies
(galaxy_sample = 'ESO'), this is the logarithm of the ESO-LV Bmag diameter at
the 25th mag isophote, and is set to -2.10 if no diameter is given.
The morphological type code or Hubble numerical type for the galaxy. For
Shapley-Ames galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'S-A'), this is the RC2 numerical code
for galaxy morphological type, e.g., -5 = E, 0 = S0/a, 5 = Sc, 10 = Im, with
the Burstein revision that I0 = -7 (not 0 as in RC2), while for UGC and ESO
galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'UGC' and 'ESO', respectively), this is the the
hierarchical numerical typing system for morphological types as developed by
Burstein. The abbreviated system for the UGC and ESO catalogs is as follows:
Burstein Code Number Classification 1 E and E/S0 10 All S0 11 All S0/a 12 All Sa 13 All Sa/b 14 All Sb 15 All Sb/Sc 16 All Sc 17 All Sc/Sd 18 All Sd 19 All Sd/Irr 20 All Irr 30 All non-divided classified types 40 Dwarf galaxies 50 Compact galaxies and N galaxies 60 Multiple systems 70 Peculiar galaxies 90 No galaxy class given
The IPC Field Number in which the X-ray flux was measured.
If more than one IPC field was measured, a -1 is given here, and the fields
used are given in Table 8 of the published paper.
The total exposure time, in seconds, for the IPC images, summed
over all observed fields.
The Right Ascension of the galaxy in the selected equinox. This is
the optically derived position at which the X-ray image was searched. The
RA was given in 1950 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 minutes of time
in the original table. For Shapley-Ames galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'S-A'), the
positions come from the RC2, for UGC galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'UGC'), the
positions are as determined either by Dressel & Condon (1976ApJS...31..187D)
or from the catalog authors' own measurements (the accuracy of the positions
is +/-8 arcseconds), while for ESO galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'ESO'), the
positions come from the ESO-LV Catalog (Lauberts & Valentijn, 1989, CDS
Cat. <VII/115>).
The Declination of the galaxy in the selected equinox. This is
the optically derived position at which the X-ray image was searched. The
Dec was given in 1950 coordinates to a precision of 0.1 arcminutes
in the original table. For Shapley-Ames galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'S-A'), the
positions come from the RC2, for UGC galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'UGC'), the
positions are as determined either by Dressel & Condon (1976ApJS...31..187D)
or from the catalog authors' own measurements (the accuracy of the positions
is +/-8 arcseconds), while for ESO galaxies (galaxy_sample = 'ESO'), the
positions come from the ESO-LV Catalog (Lauberts & Valentijn, 1989, CDS
Cat. <VII/115>).
The Galactic Longitude of the galaxy.
The Galactic Latitude of the galaxy.
The Einstein IPC (X-ray) count rate measured for the galaxy,
in ct/s. This count rate has been corrected only for dead-time and background.
The error in the Einstein IPC (X-ray) count rate, in ct/s.
The multiplicative conversion factor to convert the
vignetting-corrected and dead-time-corrected IPC count rate, in ct/s, to an
X-Ray flux in the 0.5 to 4.5 keV energy range, in units of 10-11 erg
cm-2 s-1, for an assumed HI column density and source energy
distribution, as discussed in section 2.2 of the published paper.
The IPC vignetting correction (to be divided into the
observed count rate) to the X-Ray count rate. If more than one IPC image
was used for the observed count rate, the vignetting correction given here
is the exposure-weighted average of the individual vignetting corrections.
A numerical code for the largest aperture used to obtain
the X-Ray count rate, where 1 means a 200 arcsecond aperture, 2 means a 232
arcsecond aperture, 3 means a 264 arcsecond aperture, and 4 means a 296
arcsecond aperture.
The heliocentric radial velocity of the galaxy, in km/s,
from sources as cited in the paper, including the RC2 (CDS Cat. <VII/112>),
RC3 (CDS Cat. <VII/155>), and the NASA Extragalactic Database (NED).
The distance of the galaxy, in Mpc, based on the reference for the distance
(ref_distance), and assuming a Hubble Constant H0 of 75 km/s/Mpc.
A numerical code for the source of the distance estimate. All
independent distance measurements come from Willick et al.
(1996ApJ...457..460W and ADC-distributed data base); see references therein
for details of individual data sets. The abbreviations correspond to the
notation of Willick et al.
1 = Faber et al. (1989, Cat. <VII/176>) 2 = Tormen & Burstein reanalysis of Aaronson et al. (1982, Cat. < VII/75>) H-0.05 magnitudes (A82); 3 = Han, Mould et al. Northern survey data (e.g., Han & Mould, 1992ApJ...396..453H; HM); 4 = Han, Mould et al. Southern survey data (e.g., Han & Mould, 1992ApJ...396..453H; HM); 5 = Courteau and Faber data (CF; Courteau, 1992, Ph.D. Thesis); 6 = Mathewson, Ford & Buchhorn (1992ApJS...81..413M; MAT); 7,8 = Willick (Willick et al., 1996ApJS..109..333W); 9 = from Faber-Burstein Great Attractor velocity field model for an associated cluster or a Local Group galaxy; 10 = from Faber-Burstein Great Attractor velocity field model for this galaxy; 90 = from Mark II data set (Burstein, 1989, Mark II Catalog of Galaxies Peculiar Velocities, email distribution); 99 = from Willick et al. (1996ApJS..109..333W) but observed 2 or more times.
The absolute blue magnitude of the galaxy, corrected for Galactic
extinction from Burstein & Heiles (1984ApJS...54...33B and from the BH
reddening maps) and redshift/K-correction via RC2 principles. For spiral and
irregular galaxies, this has been also corrected for inclination-dependent
internal extinction via the general RC3 relation: {delta}B_T=-1.5log(a/b),
where a/b is the observed axial ratio. For UGC and ESO galaxies, this is
set to 0.00 if no magnitude is given.
The logarithm of the absolute (metric) diameter, log D25,
in kpc, based on the 25th magnitude isophote in the B band. This has been
corrected for Galactic extinction only, i.e., no inclination correction has
been made. For ESO galaxies, this is set to 0.00 if no distance is given.
This flag is set to '<' to indicate that the quoted X-Ray
luminosity is an upper limit. If blank, this implies that there is a
>2.5 sigma X-ray detection of the galaxy.
The logarithm of the absolute, fully-corrected X-Ray luminosity,
in erg s-1 = 10-7 W. This is an upper limit if log_lx_limit - '<'.
A code used to describe the type of Seyfert galaxy, based on Seyfert
classifications taken from NED:
blank = not a Seyfert 1 = Seyfert 1 2 = Seyfert 2 3 = Seyfert ?
A HEASARC-created parameter describing which galaxy sample the galaxy comes
from: a value of 'S-A' means that it is a Shapley-Ames galaxy whose
properties are listed in Tables 5 and 12 of the published paper, a value of
'UGC' means that it is a UGC galaxy whose properties are listed in Tables 6
and 13 of the published paper, and a value of 'ESO' means that it is an ESO
galaxy whose properties are listed in Tables 7 and 14 of the published paper.
The HEASARC Browse object classification. The HEASARC has not attempted a
fine classification based on the morphological T-types, but has here simply
used the values of the seyfert_code parameter to indicate the Seyfert
galaxies in the table.