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INTIBISVHD - INTEGRAL IBIS Hard X-Ray Survey Above 100 keV Source Catalog



This table contains results from an all-sky survey, performed by the Imager on-Board the INTEGRAL Satellite (IBIS) telescope on board the INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) observatory over 11 years of operation, using data acquired at energies above 100 keV. The catalog of detected sources includes 132 objects. The statistical sample detected on the time-averaged 100-150 keV map at a significance above 5 sigma contains 88 sources: 28 active galactic nuclei (AGNs), 38 low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), 10 high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) and 12 rotation-powered young X-ray pulsars. The catalog also includes 15 persistent sources, which were registered at a significance 4 sigma <= S/N < 5 sigma, where S/N is the signal-to-noise ratio, but at the same time were firmly detected (>= 12 sigma) in the lower 17-60 keV energy band. All registered sources are known X-ray emitters, which means that the catalog has 100% purity in this respect. Additionally, 29 catalogued sources were detected significantly in different time slices of the survey. In the reference paper presenting the results of this survey, the authors present a hardness ratio for Galactic and extragalactic sources, an LMXB longitudinal asymmetry, and a number-flux relation for non-blazar AGNs. At higher energies, in the 150-300 keV energy band, 25 sources have been detected with S/N >= 5 sigma, including seven AGNs, 13 LMXBs, three HMXBs and two rotation-powered pulsars. Among LMXBs and HMXBs, the authors identified 12 black hole candidates (BHCs) and four neutron star (NS) binaries.

For this hard X-ray survey, the authors utilized all publicly available INTEGRAL data acquired by the IBIS telescope between 2002 December and 2014 January (INTEGRAL spacecraft revolutions 26 - 1377). The survey also contains private data from the M82 deep field (PI: Sazonov) and scanning observations of the Galactic Center (PI: Krivonos) and Puppis region (PI: Tsygankov). The survey sky coverage as a function of a 5-sigma limiting flux is shown in Fig. 2 of the reference paper. The peak sensitivity of the survey is about 2 mCrab (8 x 10-12 erg s-1 cm-2 in the 100-150 keV energy band). The survey covers ~10% of the sky down to a flux limit of 3.7 mCrab (1.5 x 10-11 erg s-1 cm-2) and 90% of the sky down to 25 mCrab (10-10 erg s-1 cm-2).

The catalog has been compiled from sources passed through detection conditions in the reference 100-150 keV energy band on time-average sky maps (Section 2.1 of the reference paper) and maps built over different time periods (Section 2.2 ibid.). For all 132 sources, the time-averaged fluxes are given, even for those sources which were not detected therein. For some variable sources and for sources which were only detected in certain time periods, the fluxes measured in the specified time intervals are also given. Thus, this catalog has 50 additional rows for such entries, giving it a total size of 182 rows.

Catalog Bibcode



INTEGRAL 11-year hard X-ray survey above 100 keV.
    Krivonos R., Tsygankov S., Lutovinov A., Revnivtsev M., Churazov E.,
    Sunyaev R.
   <Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 448, 3766-3774 (2015)>
   =2015MNRAS.448.3766K    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)


This table was created by the HEASARC in November 2016 based on the electronic version of Table 2 from the reference paper which was obtained from the CDS (their catalog J/MNRAS/448/3766 file table2.dat).


A unique identification number for each hard X-ray source in the catalog in order of increasing J2000.0 RA. Some sources can have multiple entries corresponding to different time ranges, so that there are 50 more entries (182) than there are unique sources (132).

The hard X-ray source name. In accordance with the authors' previous hard X-ray surveys (Krivonos et al. 2007, A&A, 475, 775; 2010, A&A, 519, A107; 2012, A&A, 545, A27), common names are given for sources whose nature was known before their detection by INTEGRAL. Sources discovered by INTEGRAL, or whose nature was established thanks to INTEGRAL observations, are named 'IGR'.

The Right Ascension of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 degrees in the original table. The positional accuracy of sources detected by IBIS depends on the source significance (Gros et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L179). The estimated 68% confidence intervals for sources detected at 5 - 6, 10 and >20 sigma are 2.1, 1.5 and <0.8 arcminutes, respectively (Krivonos et al. 2007, A&A, 475, 775).

The Declination of the X-ray source in the selected equinox. This was given in J2000.0 coordinates to a precision of 0.01 degrees in the original table. The positional accuracy of sources detected by IBIS depends on the source significance (Gros et al. 2003, A&A, 411, L179). The estimated 68% confidence intervals for sources detected at 5 - 6, 10 and >20 sigma are 2.1, 1.5 and <0.8 arcminutes, respectively (Krivonos et al. 2007, A&A, 475, 775).

The Galactic Longitude of the X-ray source.

The Galactic Latitude of the X-ray source.

This parameter is set to '<' if the quoted flux is the 2-sigma upper limit rather than a detection.

The time-averaged source flux in the 100-150 keV energy band over the time range specified by the integral_orbit_min and integral_orbit_max parameter values. The flux for cases with S/N < 2 sigma (entries for which flux_limit = '<') is shown as a 2-sigma upper limit. The flux is expressed in units of erg cm-2 s-1.

The 1-sigma uncertainty in the source flux in the 100-150 keV energy band, expressed in units of erg cm-2 s-1.

The detection significance of the source in the 100-150 keV energy band. This is given only for detections which do not exceed 10 sigma.

The general astrophysical type of the object, as follows:

    LMXB = low- mass X-ray binary
    HMXB = high-mass X-ray binary
    AGN  = active galactic nucleus
    SNR  = supernova remnant
    PSR  = isolated pulsar or PWN
    SGR  = soft gamma repeater
A question mark after the specified source type value indicates that the specified type is not firmly determined and should be confirmed.

This parameters contains codes indicates relevant references. The key to these codes is given below:

  Value  Bibcode             Authors                          Reference if no bibcode

   1     2004ATel..352....1E Eckert et al.
   2     2004ATel..353....1M Markwardt, Swank, & Strohmayer
   3     1999MNRAS.306..100R Reig & Roche
   4     ................... Lewin                            1976, IAUC, 2914, 3
   5     1990IAUC.5139....1M Makino & GINGA Team
   6     2005A&A...433.1163D Donato, Sambruna, & Gliozzi
   7     1997IAUC.6538R...1P Piro et al.
   8     2006A&A...446L..17B Bassa et al.
   9     1985SSRv...40..287V van der Klis et al.
  10     2011ATel.3146....1M Milisavljevic et al.
  11     2011ApJ...735..104K Krimm et al.
  12     2007ApJ...667.1111G Gelfand & Gaensler
  13     1998IAUC.7008R...1T Smith
  14     1989PASJ...41..617N Nakamura et al.
  15     1986ApJ...308..199P Parmar et al.
  16     1977ApJ...217L..23H Hoffman, Lewin, & Doty
  17     2003ATel..176....1M Molkov et al.
  18     2008A&A...484..783C Chaty et al.
  19     2006ApJ...636..765B Bird et al.
  20     2006A&A...449.1139M Masetti et al.
  21     2011MNRAS.411..137H Hiemstra et al.
  22     1995Natur.374..701B Bailyn et al.
  23     2007ATel.1270....1B Burenin et al.
  24     2011ApJ...731L...2K Kalamkar et al.
  25     2009MNRAS.392L..11L Linares et al.
  26     2009A&A...496..333F Falanga et al.
  27     1979Natur.278..434S Samimi et al.
  28     1991A&A...250..389O Oosterbroek et al.
  29     2007A&A...467..529C Churazov et al.
  30     2012ATel.4219....1D Degenaar, Altamirano, & Wijnands
  31     2012ATel.4219....1D Degenaar, Altamirano, & Wijnands
  32     1985IAUC.4111....0S Sztajno et al.
  33     2003ATel..149....1K Kuulkers et al.
  34     2004ATel..328....1L Lutovinov & Revnivtsev
  35     2006ApJ...643..376C Capitanio et al.
  36     1999IAUC.7247S...1C Cocchi et al.
  37     1980ApJ...240L.121G Grindlay et al.
  38     1971ApJ...169L..17L Lewin, Ricker, & McClintock
  39     2003AstL...29..719L Lutovinov et al.
  40     2010MNRAS.408..975M Malizia et al.
  41     1997IAUC.6668R...1B Bazzano et al.
  42     2009ApJ...701..811T Tomsick et al.
  43     2002A&A...389L..43I in't Zand et al.
  44     2004ATel..232....1B Bassani et al.
  45     2004ATel..264....1T Torres et al.
  46     1991A&A...247L..29S Syunyaev et al.
  47     ................... in 't Zand et al.                1991, AdSpR, 11, 187
  48     1999A&A...346L..45C Cocchi et al.
  49     2012ATel.4381....1V Vovk et al.
  50     1994ApJ...425..110P Pavlinsky, Grebenev, & Sunyaev
  51     2003ATel..132....1R Revnivtsev et al.
  52     2006ApJ...639..340K Kalemci et al.
  53     2005ATel..467....1G Grebenev, Molkov, & Sunyaev
  54     2008ATel.1445....1D Del Monte et al.
  55     2008ATel.1651....1A Altamirano et al.
  56     2006ATel..885....1S Soldi et al.
  57     2007ApJ...657L.109P Paizis et al.
  58     2007ApJ...655L..97R Rodriguez et al.
  59     2011ATel.3556....1P Papitto et al.
  60     2011ATel.3560....1F Ferrigno, Bozzo, & Belloni
  61     1999ApJ...523L..45N Natalucci et al.
  62     2005ATel..550....1M Morgan et al.
  63     2014MNRAS.445.2424N Neustroev et al.
  64     1991PAZh...17..126S Sunyaev et al.
  65     ................... In't Zand et al.                 1999, NuPhS, 69, 228
  66     ................... Cocchi et al.                    1999, ApL&C, 38, 133
  67     1985A&A...153..106F Fleischman
  68     1983PASJ...35..531M Murakami et al.
  69     2013ATel.5474....1N Nakahira et al.
  70     1999ApJ...514L..27U Ubertini et al.
  71     2011MNRAS.411.2137G Gianni et al.
  72     2012A&A...537L...7F Ferrigno et al.
  73     2005ApJ...630L.157M Malizia et al.
  74     2004AstL...30..534M Molkov et al.
  75     ................... Terrier et al.                   2008, AIPC, 1085, 312
  76     2006ApJ...638..963K Kaaret et al.
  77     2013ApJ...778..155R Reis et al.
  78     2003IAUC.8088....4H Hannikainen, Rodriguez, & Pottschmidt
  79     2010A&A...510A..61T Torrej'on et al.
  80     2001A&A...373L..37G Greiner et al.
  81     1995A&A...297..556H Herrero et al.
  82     1996A&A...311L..25S Schmutz, Geballe, & Schild
  83     2004ATel..229....1W Walter et al.
  84     2004A&A...426L..41M Masetti et al.

The INTEGRAL orbital range minimum value during which the corresponding flux has been measured. If this column is set to 26 and the corresponding integral_orbit_max value is set to 1377, the corresponding flux has been determined from the whole time span of the survey. INTEGRAL orbital revolutions can be roughly converted into Modified Julian Date (MJD) using the following empirical expression:

     MJD = 55551.61223380 + (N - 1000.0)/0.33404581,
where N is the INTEGRAL spacecraft orbital revolution number.

The INTEGRAL orbital range maximum value during which the corresponding flux has been measured. If this column is set to 1377 and the corresponding integral_orbit_min value is set to 26, the corresponding flux has been determined from the whole time span of the survey. INTEGRAL orbital revolutions can be roughly converted into Modified Julian Date (MJD) using the following empirical expression:

     MJD = 55551.61223380 + (N - 1000.0)/0.33404581,
where N is the INTEGRAL spacecraft orbital revolution number.

Notes concerning the source, e.g., additional information on the source type, alternative names and/or the likelihood of source confusion. Spatial confusion with a nearby source XXX is indicated by 'C{XXX}", where XXX is a name of the source that has been mostly detected at energies below 100 keV. The measured flux of sources which are spatially confused should be regarded with caution.

The HEASARC Browse object classification of the source, based on the value of the source_type parameter.

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Questions regarding the INTIBISVHD database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:29:17 EDT