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The SAXNFILOG database contains the SAX Narrow Field Instruments (NFI) approved pointings, but it also served as an observations log. It includes data taken during AO1, AO2, AO3, A04 and AO5 cycles and the Science Verification Phase (SVP).


The SAXNFILOG database records all the approved pointings for the Narrow Field Instruments, for the CORE and GO programs (AO 1-4), and the observation performed during the Science Verification phase. It includes also several blank-sky pointings performed in between observations.

SAXNFILOG also contains flags which specify if an observation was performed and the archive status of the data.

If the pointing was partially carried out using the NFI, the database parameter, OBS_PERF, is set to 'p' (for partially), if complete is set to 'yes'.

Users should be awared that Priority B observations are not carried over from one AO to the next, but they are still included in this database with OBS_PERF set to 'no'.

The SAX archive opened in January 1998. Observations in the public archive have the parameter ARCHIVE_STATUS set to 'public'. Data access is via the Web interface at at the SAX-SDC in Italy.

As part of the archive exchange between data centers, the SAX-SDC is providing a copy of the SAX archive to the HEASARC.

Since the data transfer occurs via CD (and/or tapes) data will appear in the HEASARC archive with some time delay respect to the public date. The parameter EVT_LHEA, in this database, indicates data availability from HEASARC side. At HEASARC the data access is via W3browse or via anonymous FTP. A description of the archive content is available at

This database is updated regularly every three weeks. The updates are provided by the SAX-Science Data Center (SDC) in Rome.

Data Products

The BeppoSAX archive includes the FITS files most commonly used for the BeppoSAX analysis. This includes data from the following Narrow Field Instruments (NFI): Low and Medium concentrator spectrometers (LECS and MECS) and from the Phoswich detector system ( PSD ). There are no data available for the High pressure Gas Scintillator Proportional Counter (HPGSPC) or for the Wide Field Camera.

The NFI data are FITS files produced by the pipelines running at the SAX Data Center in Italy. The original Final Observation Tape (FOT), containing the NFI data, distributed to the user is not in the archive. The BeppoSAX archive is organized by sequence, e.g. data from all NFI instruments are included the under each sequence.

Data have been divided into the following categories:

NFI Results Files (RESULTS) includes the contents of an entire directory
  where the high level products are stored. This typically includes lightcurves,
  spectra and images for the LECS, MECS and/or PDS (in FITS format) but also
  scripts and log files used and produced by the standard analysis.

MECS GIF Images (GIF) is the image of the MECS and LECS field of view.

PDS Events and GTIs (EVENTS): The event file contains all the events recording
  during the observation. The GTI files record the times on-off source for each
  cluster. All files are in FITS format.

PDS Spectra and Lightcurves (PHA LC) are the lightcurve and the average
  spectrum obtained from the PDS for the entire observation (FITS format).

MECS and LECS Screened Data (SCREENED) are the cleaned event files
  for each the ME unit and LE detector (FITS format).

LECS Housekeeping Files (LECSHKP)

PDS Housekeeping Files (PDSHKP)

MECS Housekeeping Files (MECSHKP). For each unit there are two types of
  housekeeing files ("eng" and "hkp").

MECS and LECS Unscreened Data (UNSCREENED) are FITS format files containing
  the all events before screening. There is one file ofor the LE instrument and
  one for each of the ME unit.


Gives the AO number. A blank value corresponds to blank sky observations.

Proposal number. Blank sky observations have dummy values which do not correspond to a proposal.

If the observation belongs to the hardware groups.

The priority of the observation. Priority values are A and B. Priority A proposals not done during the first year will be carried over in the AO2. Priority B proposals have 50 % chance of being carried out. If not done in AO1, the B priority targets will not be scheduled in the AO2. The same rule applies for the following AO.

Name of the principal investigator.

Institute of the principal investigator.

Principal investigator country.

Country code of principal investigator.

The title of the proposal.

Proposal Category: 1=stars 2=compact galactic; 3=SNR; 4=normal galaxies; 5=AGN; 6=cluster of galaxies; 7=other.

If target approved for the Core Program, then CP. If Guest Observers program, GOP. The SVP code stands for targets observed during the Science Verification Phase.

Two types of proposal are available: TOO and STANDARD.

Proposal Classification. The available classes are: stars, compact galactic, snr, normal galaxies, AGN, cluster of galaxies, other.

Specifies whether data is public or private.

The requested right ascension pointing position as given in the proposal.

The requested declination pointing position as given in the proposal.

The requested galactic longitude.

The requested galactic latitude.

Name of target as given by the PI.

Exposure relative to the LECS instruments. The value corresponds to the good exposure after processing the data.

Exposure relative to the MECS instruments. The value corresponds to the good exposure after processing the data.

Exposure relative to the HPGSPC instruments. Currently, it is set to the approved exposure not to the performed exposure.

Exposure relative to the PDS instruments. Currently, it is set to the approved exposure not to the performed exposure.

Exposure relative to the WFC instruments. Currently, it is set to the approved exposure not to the performed exposure.

The total approved exposure time in seconds. A number of the TOO proposals have been merged and therefore the exposure time associated with a given TOO pointing may not refer to the original proposal.

If the observation was performed. Possible values are 'yes', 'no', 'p'. NOTE: The SVP observations have this parameter set to 'no', although the observation was performed.

If the FOT data was delivered to the observer.

Start date/time of the observation as a character string value.

Stop date/time of the observation as a character string value.

Start date/time of the observation.

Stop date/time of the observation.

Sequence number.

If data is present in the HEASARC archive, then value is 'Y'.

Object Classification. The class has been populated using the broad classification of the proposal (parameter PROPOSAL_CLASS).

Contact Person

Questions regarding the SAXNFILOG database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:34:29 EDT