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PVOGRB - PVO Gamma-Ray Bursts



This catalog gives information on the triggered events detected by the PVO instrument from 1978-09-14 to 1988-07-21. The table was taken from the Ph.D. thesis of Kuan-Wen Chuang (UC-Riverside, 1990).

Catalog Bibcode



Klebesadel, R., Evans, W., Glore, J., Spalding, R., and Wymer, F., 1980
  IEEE Trans on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-18, 76.


The data originates from the Ph.D. thesis of Kuan-Wen Chuang (UC-Riverside, 1990). The current version of this database table was created by the HEASARC in August 2002, replacing the previous version (named PVOTRIG) in which the times were somewhat inaccurate.

Instrument Information

The Gamma Burst Detector aboard the Pioneer Venus Orbiter was designed to record gamma ray burst intensity profiles with high time resolution. The Detector consists of two identical sensors placed at the periphery of the spacecraft equipment platform. They are diametrically opposite each other, giving all sky coverage. Each sensor consists of a CsI scintillator, which is bonded to a shell of Pilot B plastic scintillator used for charged particle suppression. This assembly is optically coupled to a photomultiplier tube. The amplified pulses are analyzed at five discriminator levels, corresponding to energy bands of 100 - 200 keV, 200 - 500 keV, 500 - 1000 keV, and 1.0 - 2.0 MeV. High intensity events trigger the electronics to record in a high time resolution mode. For these triggered events, spectral data are recorded concurrently in each of the 4 energy channels at 187 ms or better resolution. A time-to-spill algorithm records the total intensity in time bins of 11.7 ms to 0.25 ms, depending on the count rate. For further details of the instrumentation, see Klebesadel et al. (1980). Through 13 years of continuous operation, the detectors and the trigger mechanism remained stable, resulting in a data base free from systematic effects.


The date of the trigger in format YY.MM.DD.

The time that the burst was recorded.

Energy flux in units of (ergs/cm2) X 10-5.

The maximum energy flux in units of (ergs/cm2/s) X 10-5.

The peak count rate in units of counts/0.25 s.

The average background rate in units of counts/0.25 s.

Whether the burst was detected by at least one other spacecraft.

Numbers indicate which other spacecraft also observed the burst. The key for the confirming satellites is as follows:

    1.    Prognoz - 7
    2.    Venera - 11 (Siene Experiment)
    3.    Venera - 12 (Siene Experiment)
    4.    Pioneer Venus Orbiter
    5.    International Sun - Earth Explorer
    6.    Vela
    7.    Venera - 11 (Konus Experiment)
    8.    Venera - 12 (Konus Experiment)
    9.    Helios - 2
   10.    Solar Maximum Mission/Gamma Ray Spectrometer
   11.    Prognoz - 9
   12.    Venera - 13 (Siene Experiment)
   13.    Venera - 14 (Siene Experiment)
   14.    Konus 13
   15.    Konus 14
   16.    Konus Experiment. Lab., or Prognoz - 9 experiment
   17.    HEAO - 3

Contact Person

Questions regarding the PVOGRB database table can be addressed to the HEASARC Help Desk.
Page Author: Browse Software Development Team
Last Modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2024 17:33:11 EDT