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ASCA Guest Observer Facility


We are pleased to announce the release of FTOOLS v4.1. In this message, we summarize:

  1. How to obtain FTOOLS v4.1
  2. Impact on ASCA users
  3. Complete list of new/updated ASCA FTOOLS

1. How to obtain FTOOLS v4.1

FTOOLS v4.1 has been released, and can be obtained from the FTOOLS web-page at:

This is where the most up to date FTOOLS information is available, including notices of the FTOOLS releases, online HTML versions of FTOOLS documentation, and the continually updated FAQ. Users should always check here first for answers to questions.

Any problems installing FTOOLS should be reported to:

Any problems using FTOOLS for ASCA data analysis should be reported to the ftoolshelp address above or to:

Feedback form.

Any problems using FTOOLS for ASCA data analysis should be reported to the ftoolshelp address above or to:

Feedback form.

If the problem relates to the scientific contents of the FTOOLS, the latter address is more appropriate.

2. Impact on ASCA users

  1. The FTOOLS v4.0 beta-release version of correctrdd had a number of bugs, including one that resulted in correcting only the first 1/9th of data. We have corrected all known bugs in the new version.

    We recommend all users who have used the previous FTOOLS version of correctrdd, or have noticed severe discrepancies between SIS and GIS data or between SIS and ROSAT data in terms of Nh, to try this new version of correctrdd. The "RDD map" files necessary to do so can be obtained from here.

    Preliminary test indicates that this new version can make dramatic improvements (fitted Nh decreasing by ~1e21) at least in some cases.

    We plan to release a detailed step-by-step recipe, as well as some test results, in the near future.

  2. The new version of `ascascreen' incorporates a new method of calculating the Sn_PIXLm thresholds for the SIS data. The new option allows the thresholds to be calculated from the data; with the old method, an excessive amount of data were screened out for recent 2- and 4-CCD mode data, as well as for observations of bright sources. Running the new version of ascascreen on the `unscreened' data files may allow you to increase the SIS exposure time.

  3. With the internal reorganization of XSELECT, the optional keyword for the file name template in the 'make obscat' command has become 'lststr' (previously 'ASCA_g2_lststr' etc.). Users who save and recycle the xselect command files (e.g., from ascascreen) may experience problems due to this change.

3. Complete list of new/updated ASCA-related FTOOLS

Fixed bug in convolving with the GIS PSF - only mattered at extreme off-axis positions.
Should now get the correct RMF from the CALDB in the case of SIS.
Fixed a number of bugs.
Fixed bug that caused the program to fail if the file contained WCS keywords.
This is the FTOOLS version, allowing guest observers to run this tool, if necessary.
Fixed a number of obscure bugs and improved efficiency.
This has received a major overhaul to make it easier to add support for new missions and instruments. There should not be any effects on users analyzing data from currently supported instruments. Anyone interested in adding a new mission or instrument should contact Keith Arnaud.
This includes a more sophisticated screening criterion for the Sn_PIXLm monitor counts for the SIS. This should generally increase the exposure time of the screened event files for recent 2- and 4-CCD mode data as well as for 1-CCD mode data with a bright source.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Oct-2021 16:25:12 EDT
Curator: Michael Arida (SP Sys);
HEASARC Guest Observer Facility
If you have any questions concerning ASCA, visit our Feedback form.

This file was last modified on Tuesday, 19-Oct-2021 16:25:12 EDT

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