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Namelist Description

The program may be run by editing the namelist file and bypassing the input phase. This is particularly useful if a windowing environment is not available. However, the normal error checking of the input program is also skipped so care should be exercised. The namelist file is named and should reside in the current directory. A sample namelist file is shown below and the meaning of each variable is given.
   sgn=1,intns=T,newfil=F,ocoord='GALA',maptyp='Sky Region',

fname  : Array of file names (1st input counts file, 2nd input counts file,
         output counts file)
sgn    : Sign of the map operation (1: addition, -1:subtraction)
intns  : Flag for creation of exposure and intensity maps
         (T: create exposure and intensity maps, F: don't create)
newfil : Flag to say if output file is new (only used in program report)
ocoord : Output map coordinate system ('GALA': galactic, 'CELE': celestial)
maptyp : Map type ('Sky Region', 'Galactic Disk', 'All Sky')
xbinsz : Bin size on the X axis
xbinsz : Bin size on the Y axis
skylim : Sky area for the output map (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax)

After the namelist is modified, the program is executed with

nice +priority addmap -s &
The program report is found in file addmap.list.
