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1.1 Introduction to OSSE Data Analysis

This manual is an introductory guide for Guest Investigators who wish to analyze data from the Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment (OSSE) aboard the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The primary CGRO/OSSE data analysis package is IGORE (Interactive GRO/OSSE Reduction Environment). This quide enables the Guest Investigator to examine and manipulate OSSE data on a basic level. It is not meant as a detailed tutorial for IGORE. The IGORE system is based on the commercially available software package IDL, and retains all the functionality of IDL while adding specific capabilities which are required when processing the large amounts of data necessary during GRO/OSSE data analysis.

The IDL basis of the IGORE analysis system provides IGORE with an interactive programming environment for the analysis and display of data. IDL also provides the ability to easily add user defined procedures and functions to the core IGORE system. In fact, many of the IGORE commands are procedures or functions written in IDL which have been incorporated into the core IGORE analysis system.