Routines to read and write model table files

The HEASP C++/Python library available in HEAsoft provides methods to read and write table model files to and from objects. See

Fortran and C subroutines are available to create an output file, write the PARAMETERS and ENERGIES extensions, write the header for the SPECTRA extension, then return with the output file open in the correct place to start writing the tabulated spectra. These routine can be found in the HEAsoft source distribution as the files $HEADAS/../ftools/spectral/tables/wftbmd.{f,c}. The calling sequence for the Fortran subroutine is as follows...

      SUBROUTINE wftbmd(outfil, infile, modlnm, modunt, nintpm, naddpm,
     &                  qrdshf, qaddtv, addnam, addivl, intnam, intivl, 
     &                  intntb, intmth, maxtab, inttab, nenerg, energy, 
     &                  ounit, ierr, status, contxt)

      INTEGER nintpm, naddpm, maxtab, nenerg
      INTEGER ounit, ierr, status
      INTEGER intntb(nintpm), intmth(nintpm)
      REAL addivl(6, naddpm), intivl(6, nintpm)
      REAL inttab(maxtab, nintpm), energy(nenerg)
      CHARACTER*(*) outfil, infile, modlnm, modunt, contxt
      CHARACTER*(*) addnam(naddpm), intnam(nintpm)
      LOGICAL qrdshf, qaddtv

c Subroutine to open the FITS file and write out all the header information
c down to the point of actually writing the model spectra. At this point
c returns so that the main program can read and write one model spectrum at
c a time.

c Arguments :
c    outfil      c*(*)     i: FITS filename
c    infile      c*(*)     i: Name of original file
c    modlnm      c*(*)     i: The name of the model
c    modunt      c*(*)     i: The model units
c    nintpm      i         i: The number of interpolation parameters
c    naddpm      i         i: The number of additional parameters
c    qrdshf      l         i: Redshift flag
c    qaddtv      l         i: If true this is an additive table model
c    addnam      c*(*)     i: Names of the additional parameters
c    addivl      r         i: Initial values of the additional parameters
c    intnam      c*(*)     i: Names of the interpolation parameters
c    intivl      r         i: Initial values of the interpolation parameters
c    intntb      i         i: Number of tabulated values for interpolation params.
c    intmth      i         i: Interpolation method for interpolation parameters
c    maxtab      i         i: The size of the first dimension in inttab
c    inttab      r         i: The tabulated parameter values.
c    nenerg      i         i: Number of energies (one more than spectral bins)
c    energy      r         i: Energies
c    ounit       i         o: The I/O unit in use.
c    ierr        i         o: error
c                             1 = failed to open FITS file
c                             2 = failed to write primary header
c                             3 = failed to write parameter extension
c                             4 = failed to write energy extension
c                             5 = failed to create model spectra extension
c    status      i         o: FITSIO status
c    contxt      c*(*)     o: Error diagnostic string

c  HDUVERS1 1.0.0

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Last modified: Monday, 18-Oct-2021 15:22:13 EDT