Primary header

The file will contain a header and a number of BINTABLE extensions. The main header will include the following information :

  1. MODLNAME - the name of the model (string of 12 characters max).
  2. MODLUNIT - the units for the model (string of 12 characters max).
  3. REDSHIFT - whether redshift is to be a parameter (logical).
  4. ESCALE - whether escale is to be a parameter (logical).
  5. ADDMODEL - whether this is an additive model (logical).
  6. LOELIMIT - the model value for energies below those tabulated.
  7. HIELIMIT - the model value for energies above those tabulated.

It should also include the standard OGIP keywords :

HDUCLASS 		 'OGIP'           
HDUVERS 		 '1.2.0'          

If there are multiple model spectra for each parameter grid point then the following keywords should also be used :

  1. NXFLTEXP - the number of model spectra for each parameter grid
  2. XFXPnnnn - the expression to use to determine which model spectrum at each parameter grid point to use. XFXP0001 for the first, XFXP0002 for the second, and so on.

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Last modified: Thursday, 17-Aug-2023 17:34:30 EDT