To setup your account for working with the ISDC SPI E2E-F data ============================================================== last update of this file: June 9, 2003 create on your home directory a directory for the parameter files: cd mkdir pfiles mkdir data_rep copy the parameter files to your pfiles directory: cp /home/isdc_guest/spi_int/pfiles/*.par ~/pfiles include in .tcshrc (or which shell you are using; this is setting up your system correctly for use with SunOS as well as for Linux): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if( `uname` == "SunOS" ) then source /isdc/scripts/login --ISDC_ENV=/isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep setenv PATH /isdc//reference/workshop-6.1/SUNWspro/bin:/isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/bin:${PATH} setenv ISDC_SCRIPT_PATH /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/scripts setenv CFITSIO_INCLUDE_FILES /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep/templates echo SunOS setup endif if( `uname` == "Linux" ) then source /isdc/scripts/login --ISDC_ENV=/isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep-linux setenv PATH /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep-linux/bin:/isdc/support-sw/prod/Linux_2.2.14_i686/bin:${PATH} # setenv EXTERN_1_LIB_DIR /isdc/refsoftware/lib setenv ISDC_SCRIPT_PATH /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep-linux/scripts setenv CFITSIO_INCLUDE_FILES /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep-linux//templates setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep-linux/lib:/isdc_soft_platform/root/lib:/isdc/software/ftools/lheasoft/Linux_2.2.14_i686/lib:/isdc/reference/lib:/isdc/gcc/lib:/usr/local/FFC/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib echo Linux setup endif --------------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you do not want to change your .tcshrc, just execute the following command: source /isdc/scripts/login --ISDC_ENV=/isdc/integration/spi_int/sw_rep go to your data_rep directory, create an obs directory and set the links to the ISDC SPI data: cd data_rep mkdir obs ln -s /isdc/testdata/e2e_f/data/cons/ops_2/scw scw ln -s /isdc/testdata/e2e_f/data/cons/ops_2/aux aux ln -s /isdc/testdata/e2e_f/data/cons/ops_2/idx idx ln -s /isdc/testdata/e2e_f/data/cons/ops_2/ic ic (under Linux you use the same links) Now you can work under your personal data_rep with the data from the E2E-F test. The use of the LINUX system on isdcpc3 is possible if you use a .tcshrc as shown above!