fmosaic2img is a Perl script Usage: fmosaic2img -o This scripts allows you to combine the output files of fmosaic into a single background-subtracted, exposure-corrected image (Image-back)/exposrue (with smoothing and cut on exposure map). When you have produced image, background, and exposure maps using fmosaic, they will have the names of the form: name_005_040_image.fits or name_image.fits (if no energy cut is performed) name_005_040_back.fits or name_back.fits (if no energy cut is performed) name_005_040_emap.fits or name_emap.fits (if no energy cut is performed) where "name" is the first parameter of fmosaic and the numbers represent the energy cut you made. The same "name" should be typed as the argument to fmosaic2img. Options are (also desplayed by typing "fmosaic2img" without any arguments): Usage: fmosaic2img [-s -o -m -c -h] input_file_root -m specifies the method: 1 is for a Gaussian (default) 2 is for adaptive smoothing -s specifies the sigma (Gaussian) or the number of counts required to smooth with fadapt (adapt) -o specifies the output file name -c specifies the cut (in %) on the exposure (default is 10%)