plist - List parameters for a specified tool or parameter file.


plist [ -f ] tool-or-par-file-name


plist displays the parameters from a specified task or parameter file in sequence on standard output. "Hidden" parameters (i.e. those which will not be prompted for at run-time) are listed inside parentheses.

Behavior of this task depends upon the value of the PFILES environment variable, which is used to specify the location of parameter files. The PFILES variable uses a semicolon delimiter to separate two types of parameter directories:

The first path ("user") is one or more "local" (writeable) parameter directories (typically $HOME/pfiles for a default HEASoft setup), and the second path ("system") is one or more read-only parameter directories (typically $HEADAS/syspfiles). When both paths are equivalent, one may omit the semicolon and duplicate path (for example, when developing a new task, one might set PFILES="." to use only the current working directory). Multiple colon-delimited directories are allowed in both portions of the PFILES variable:

The default values from the first "system" path are used the first time a task is run, or whenever the default values have been updated more recently than the user's copy of the parameters. The user's copy is created when a task terminates, and retains any learned changes to the parameters.

This task will look for a copy of the specified parameter file (or parameter file for the specified task) in the first "user" parameter directory; if the file does not exist there, it will then search all subsequent directories listed in PFILES.

The "-f" flag may be used to disable searching of directories listed in the PFILES variable, allowing instead for specification of a particular parameter file (with a preceding directory path if the file is not in the current working directory).


1. Display the parameters for the task 'ftverify':

   % plist ftverify
   Parameters for /Users/user/pfiles/ftverify.par
          infile =                  Name of FITS file to verify 
        (outfile = STDOUT)          Name of optional output file 
         (prhead = no)              Print header keywords? 
         (prstat = yes)             Print detailed report? 
      (errreport = w)               report level: Warnings, Errors, or Severe 
       (testdata = yes)             Test data values?
        (tchksum = yes)             Test checksum for each HDU?
       (testfill = yes)             Test the bytes in the non-data fill areas?
        (heasarc = yes)             Test the HEASARC convention? 
         numerrs = 0                number of errors (output) 
         numwrns = 0                number of warnings (output) 
        (clobber = NO)              Overwrite existing output file? 
           (mode = ql)              Mode 

2. Display the parameters for the task 'ftverify', disabling the default search of directories listed in PFILES and instead providing the path to a specific parameter file:

   % plist -f /local/data/test/ftverify.par
   Parameters for /local/data/test/ftverify.par
          infile = test.fits        Name of FITS file to verify 
        (outfile = STDOUT)          Name of optional output file 
         (prhead = no)              Print header keywords? 
         (prstat = yes)             Print detailed report? 
      (errreport = w)               report level: Warnings, Errors, or Severe 
       (testdata = yes)             Test data values?
        (tchksum = yes)             Test checksum for each HDU?
       (testfill = yes)             Test the bytes in the non-data fill areas?
        (heasarc = yes)             Test the HEASARC convention? 
         numerrs = 4                number of errors (output) 
         numwrns = 2                number of warnings (output) 
        (clobber = NO)              Overwrite existing output file? 
           (mode = ql)              Mode 


pget, pquery, pquery2, pset, punlearn


Aug 2016