CHKPHA (Feb97) ftools.heasarc CHKPHA (Feb97) NAME chkpha -- Checks the validity of the mandatory and optional keywords of PHA/PI (*.pha) FITS file before input to XSPEC. USAGE chkpha infile=filename1 outfile=filename2 [chatter=11] or, chkpha filename1 outfile=filename2 DESCRIPTION The task performs the necessary checks, e.g, validity of mandatory and optional keywords, on an input FITS file (PHA/PI) to determine whether it is in the correct format to be acceptable as an input to XSPEC (and hence several other ftools tasks), reporting back to STDOUT (and/or an ASCII file) the results. To get report to STDOUT, user needs to use chatter >=10 . This task handles only PHA extension and supports both Type I and Type II formats. The mandatory keyword checked are: EXTNAME, TELESCOP, INSTRUME, FILTER, EXPOSURE, AREASCAL, BACKFILE, BACKSCAL, CORRFILE, CORRSCAL, ANCRFILE, HDUCLASS, HDUCLAS1, HDUVERS1, CHANTYPE, DETCHANSA, ERROR (POISERR/STAT_ERR) The optional keyword checked are: OBJECT, EQUINOX, RADECSYS, DATE-OBS, TIME-OBS, DATE-END, TIME-END. NOTE: Optional keywords are suggested, as they supply further detailed informations regarding data sets. PARAMETERS infile [character string] The input file name containing PHA or PI data (outfile = pha.log) [character string] The name of the output log file name. Default is set to 'pha.log'. If user wants to use other output file name, then one has to type outfile=filename in the command line. (chatter=9) [integer] Flag to set the chattyness at execution. Default value is set to 9, which gives the user the task version and few warnings. Lower/higher values produces quieter/verbose output on the screen. (clobber = yes) [boolean] Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten. EXAMPLES 1. chkpha test.pha or, 2. chkpha test.pha outfile=outfilename or, 3. chkpha test.pha outfile=outfilename chatter=10 BUGS None known. LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: v1.0.0 (April, 1997) PRIMARY AUTHOR: Banashree Mitra Seifert HEASARC, NASA/GSFC