FIMHISTO (August,1997) ftools.fimage FIMHISTO (August,1997) NAME fimhisto - Creates a histogram of the image extension. USAGE fimhisto infile outfile range binsize DESCRIPTION FIMHISTO creates a histogram of an image extension within user defined minimum and maximum values(range) inclusive. If these values are INDEF, the minimum and maximum values are calculated from the input image array. Options are provided to input either binsize OR the no. of bins. In case, if binsize<=0, user is prompted for the no. of bins parameter for the histogram. PARAMETERS infile [string] The name of the input image file to create histogram for. outfile [string] The name of output file. range[string] The minimum and maximum value, inclusive, for the histogram. The values are to be separated by 'comma'. For example, if minimum value is 2.0 and maximum is to be calculated from the data, then user input looks like (2.0,INDEF) binsize[float] Size of each bin user wants to be. This value is in terms of the values of the pixels. If binsize value is <=0, then user is asked for the no. of bins. nbins[integer] No. of bins for histogram. Binsize will be calculated depending on this parameter. This parameter is prompted for if and only if user input for binsize is <= 0. Thus if an user wants no. of bins as input instead of binsize, then one should input binsize=0 or any -ve no. so then user is asked for nbins parameter. (clobber = no) [boolean]) Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten. EXAMPLES 1. To calculate histogram of an image extension, with minimum and maximum values to be calculated from the input array, range parameter need to be INDEF and with nbins=20, then prompt> fimhisto infile outfile range=INDEF,INDEF binsize=0 nbins=20 or, minimum value =2.0 and maximum to be calculated from input array and with binsize=3, then prompt> fimhisto infile outfile range=2.0,INDEF binsize=3 BUGS None Known LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES V1.0.0 (1997 August) PRIMARY AUTHOR Banashree M Seifert CONTACT FOR PROBLEM