
The Preferences... item in the Edit menu, brings up a dialog box in which one can set the default display behavior for new graphs. One can control the tick frequency, grid line colors, and scaling for graph axes; color, point styles, and line types for scatter plots; and colormaps and scaling of images. The window has a paned format in which the options affecting each part of the graph has a pane which can be brought forward by clicking the appropriately labeled tab.

Clicking the Reset button will revert the options to their values when the dialog box was initially opened, undoing any modifications. Clicking the Save button will make the current settings the defaults for new graphs and save them in your .powrc file. The Get Current button grabs any available options from the current graph. Its current image (if present) will be used for the default image options and its first curve (if present) for the default curve options. Exitting will also make the new settings the current defaults, but won't save them.