XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: User Guide

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6.5 OM SAS processing products

This section provides a general description of the final products obtained when running the SAS chains on OM data.

The chains produce intermediate files that are sometimes overwritten by different tasks. They are recognised by the first letter of their name ("I" in omichain, "F" in omfchain, "g" and "u" in omgchain). Their detailed description can be found in the on-line documentation.

By running the tasks interactively, the user can maintain these intermediate products for a better understanding of the whole process.

OM processing chains and pipeline products are named as zooooooooooOMueeettttttsxxx.fff, where:

In what follows, a data type by the tttttt identifier, e.g. tttttt= SIMAGE, is used for an OM sky image product. The window and source number identifier (sxxx) is omitted.

In combined images resulting from ommosaic or after processing the full frame image produced by omcomb, files with data type FIMAG_, FSIMAG, HSIMAG, LSIMAG and RSIMAG, "s" indicates the corresponding filter used. The optical filters are noted V, B and U, while L, M and S represent UVW1, UVM2 and UVW2 respectively.

There are two products associated with the tracking history files, namely the TSHPLT.PDF and the TSTRTS.FIT file. There are three data products per observing science window (OSW), namely IMAGE_.FIT (QIMA2_.FIT in SAS v13.0), SIMAGE.FIT and SWSRLI.FIT. If fast mode data are present, there are two products per fast OSW, namely TIMESR.FIT and its graphics version TIMESR.PDF. There are two products generated on a per observation basis, which are FLAFLD.FIT and OBSMLI.FIT.

The standard pipeline does not run the chains omichain, omfchain, omgchain included in the SAS system. Similar chains using the same tasks, sometimes with different parameters, are run instead.

It should be noted that the pipeline produces compressed FITS files named .FTZ while the output obtained when the SAS chains are run by the user is not compressed, .FIT.

A brief description is given of the main files generated when running SAS. The user should be aware that there may be some differences in the naming of files produced by the standard pipeline (so-called pps products) run by the SOC and included into the XMM-Newton Science Archive. Also, intermediate files are deleted in the pipeline processing. Table 12 shows the current equivalence between both types of files.

Table 12: File name equivalence between direct SAS and Pipeline products for OM.
SAS name PPS name Description
TSHPLT TSHPLT OM tracking history plot
TSTRTS TSTRTS OM tracking star time series
IMAGE_ IMAGE_ OM OSW image (any filter or grism)
IMAGE_ IMAGEF OM fast mode OSW image
QIMA2_ none OM OSW image with enhanced quality information
SIMAGE SIMAGE OM OSW sky aligned image
SIMAGE SIMAGF OM fast mode OSW sky aligned image
REGION SWSREG OM OSW sources region file
REGION SFSREG OM fast mode OSW sources region file
SWSRLI SFSRLI OM fast mode OSW sources list
FLAFLD none OM flatfield
EVLIST none OM fast mode events table
TIMESR TIMESR OM fast mode OSW source time series
OBSMLI OBSMLI OM combined observation source list
FIMAG_ FIMAG_ OM combined full-frame image
FQIMA_ none OM full-frame image with enhanced quality information
FSIMAG FSIMAG OM combined full-frame sky image
HSIMAG HSIMAG OM full-frame HIRES sky image mosaic
LSIMAG LSIMAG OM full-frame LORES sky image mosaic
RSIMAG RSIMAG OM default mode sky image mosaic
RSISWS none OM sources list from image mosaic
OBSMOS none OM mosaic merged sources list
OBSMER none OM final combined sources list: OBSMLI+OBSMOS
RIMAGE GIMAGE OM grism rotated image
SIMAGE none OM grism OSW sky aligned image
SPECLI SPECLI OM grism spectra list
REGION SGSREG OM grism DS9 regions
SPCREG SPCREG OM grism DS9 spectrum regions
SPECTR SPECTR OM source extracted spectra
SUMMAR SUMMAR OM Observation Summary
SWSRLI SGSRLI OM grism OSW sources list

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre