#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # # Makes the spectrum and response files for a given set of coordinates. # Requirements: # 0) ccf.cif and *SUM.SAS files exist and environment variables are set # 1) run from proc directory # 2) text file which lists the events files to process, one per line # 3) region file which lists the regions of interest, one per line, in phyical units # # The region file should be in the format of a ds9 region file. SAS can accept # only circles, ellipses, boxes, and annuli. # my $currDir; chomp ($currDir = `pwd`); my $unittype = 'N'; my $count = 0; my $j; my $currLine; my $extended_flag; my @extraction_region; my @extraction_region_m1; my @extraction_region_m2; my @extraction_region_pn; my $source; my $num; my @files; my $file; my $m1_evt; my $m2_evt; my $pn_evt; my $process_pn = 0; my $process_m1 = 0; my $process_m2 = 0; my $inst; # Set the environment variables. my @res1; my $baseDir; if ($currDir =~ m/proc/) { @res1 = split(/proc/, $currDir); $baseDir = $res1[0]; } if (-d $baseDir."/ODF") { $ENV{SAS_ODFPATH} = $baseDir."/ODF"; my $sumsas = glob ($baseDir."/ODF/*SUM.SAS"); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $sumsas; $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $baseDir."/ODF/ccf.cif"; } if (-d $baseDir."/odf") { $ENV{SAS_ODFPATH} = $baseDir."/odf"; my $sumsas = glob ($baseDir."/odf/*SUM.SAS"); $ENV{SAS_ODF} = $sumsas; $ENV{SAS_CCF} = $baseDir."/odf/ccf.cif"; } # On to the main event. print "Enter the file listing the event files: "; chomp (my $event_file = <> ); $event_file = $currDir."/".$event_file; print "Enter the region file name: "; chomp (my $region_file = <>); $region_file = $currDir."/".$region_file; print "Is this an extended source? y/n: "; chomp (my $ans = <> ); if (($ans eq "N") or ($ans eq "n")) { $extended_flag = 0 ; } if (($ans eq "Y") or ($ans eq "y")) { $extended_flag = 1 ; } if (($ans ne "Y") and ($ans ne "y") and ($ans ne "N") and ($ans ne "n")) { print "I don't know what you mean. Stopping. \n"; exit; } if (-e $event_file) { open(EVENTS, "<", $event_file); while ($currLine = <EVENTS>) { $currLine = $currDir."/".$currLine; chomp ($currLine); @files = split (/\s/, $currLine); foreach $file (@files) { # Check the headers to find out which instruments we need. $inst = $currDir."/"."instru.list"; `fkeyprint $file instrume outfile=$inst`; open (INSTRU, "<", $inst); while ($currLine = <INSTRU>) { if ($currLine =~ m/INSTRUME= 'EPN '/ ) { $pn_evt = $file; $process_pn = 1; } if ($currLine =~ m/INSTRUME= 'EMOS1 '/ ) { $m1_evt = $file; $process_m1 = 1; } if ($currLine =~ m/INSTRUME= 'EMOS2 '/ ) { $m2_evt = $file; $process_m2 = 1; } } close (INSTRU); `rm $inst`; } } close (EVENTS); } else { print "No events file found. \n" ; exit; } my $count_regions=0; # Does the region file have the proper format? my $test_ds9 = 0; my $test_physical = 0; if (-e $region_file) { print "Reading region file \n"; open(REGION, "<", $region_file); while ($currLine = <REGION>) { if ($currLine =~ m/ DS9 /i) { $test_ds9 = 1; } if ($currLine =~ m'physical\n') { $test_physical = 1; } } close (REGION); } else { print "No region file found. \n" ; exit; } if ($test_ds9 == 0) { print "Region file is not in DS9 format. \n"; exit; } if ($test_physical == 0) { print "Region file is not in correct units. \n"; exit; } open(REGION, "<", $region_file); for ($j=0; $j<3; $j++) { # Skip the header readline(REGION); } while ($currLine = <REGION>) { if (($currLine =~ m/circle/i) or ($currLine =~ m/ellipse/i) or ($currLine =~ m/box/i) or ($currLine =~ m/polygon/i) or ($currLine =~ m/annulus/i) or ($currLine =~ m/panda/i) or ($currLine =~ m/epanda/i) or ($currLine =~ m/bpanda/i)) { chomp($currLine); push (@extraction_region, $currLine); $count_regions ++; } else { print "Invalid shape in the region file! \n"; } } close (REGION); # # Make the spectrum. # if (! -d $currDir.'/spectrum') { `mkdir spectrum`; } my $m1_evt_cp; my $m2_evt_cp; my $pn_evt_cp; if ($process_m1 eq 1) { $m1_evt_cp = $currDir."/spectrum/m1_evt_cp"; `cp $m1_evt $m1_evt_cp`; } if ($process_m2 eq 1) { $m2_evt_cp = $currDir."/spectrum/m2_evt_cp"; `cp $m2_evt $m2_evt_cp`; } if ($process_pn eq 1) { $pn_evt_cp = $currDir."/spectrum/pn_evt_cp"; `cp $pn_evt $pn_evt_cp`; } chdir $currDir.'/spectrum'; print "Making the spectrum... \n"; if ($process_m1) { @extraction_region_m1 = @extraction_region; for ($j=0; $j<$count_regions; $j++) { $source = shift(@extraction_region_m1); `evselect table='m1_evt_cp' energycolumn='PI' withfilteredset=yes filteredset='m1_filtered_$j.fits' keepfilteroutput=yes filtertype='expression' expression='((X,Y) in $source)' withspectrumset=yes spectrumset='m1_src_$j.pi' spectralbinsize=5 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 ` ; print "Testing M1 for pileup. Output file is m1_epat_$j.ps. \n"; `epatplot set=m1_filtered_$j.fits plotfile=m1_epat_$j.ps useplotfile=yes`; print "Making the M1 response and ancillary files. This may take a while. \n"; `rmfgen rmfset=m1_src_$j.rmf spectrumset=m1_src_$j.pi`; if ($extended_flag == 0) { `arfgen arfset=m1_src_$j.arf spectrumset=m1_src_$j.pi withrmfset=yes rmfset=m1_src_$j.rmf withbadpixcorr=yes badpixlocation=m1_evt_cp setbackscale=yes` ; } if ($extended_flag == 1) { `arfgen arfset=m1_src_$j.arf spectrumset=m1_src_$j.pi withrmfset=yes rmfset=m1_src_$j.rmf withbadpixcorr=yes badpixlocation=m1_evt_cp extendedsource=yes detmaptype=flat setbackscale=yes` ; } } } if ($process_m2) { @extraction_region_m2 = @extraction_region; for ($j=0; $j<$count_regions; $j++) { $source = shift(@extraction_region_m2); `evselect table='m2_evt_cp' energycolumn='PI' withfilteredset=yes filteredset='m2_filtered_$j.fits' keepfilteroutput=yes filtertype='expression' expression='((X,Y) in $source)' withspectrumset=yes spectrumset='m2_src_$j.pi' spectralbinsize=5 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=11999 ` ; print "Testing M2 for pileup. Output file is m2_epat_$j.ps. \n"; `epatplot set=m2_filtered_$j.fits plotfile=m2_epat_$j.ps useplotfile=yes`; print "Making the M2 response and ancillary files. This may take a while. \n"; `rmfgen rmfset=m2_src_$)j.rmf spectrumset=m2_src_$j.pi`; if ($extended_flag == 0) { `arfgen arfset=m2_src_$j.arf spectrumset=m2_src_$j.pi withrmfset=yes rmfset=m2_src_$j.rmf withbadpixcorr=yes badpixlocation=m2_evt_cp setbackscale=yes`; } if ($extended_flag == 1) { `arfgen arfset=m2_src_$j.arf spectrumset=m2_src_$j.pi withrmfset=yes rmfset=m2_src_$j.rmf withbadpixcorr=yes badpixlocation=m2_evt_cp extendedsource=yes detmaptype=flat setbackscale=yes` ; } } } if ($process_pn) { @extraction_region_pn = @extraction_region; for ($j=0; $j<$count_regions; $j++) { $source = shift(@extraction_region_pn); `evselect table='pn_evt_cp' energycolumn='PI' withfilteredset=yes filteredset='pn_filtered_$j.fits' keepfilteroutput=yes filtertype='expression' expression='(PATTERN <= 4) && (FLAG == 0) && ((X,Y) in $source)' withspectrumset=yes spectrumset='pn_src_$j.pi' spectralbinsize=5 withspecranges=yes specchannelmin=0 specchannelmax=20479`; print "Testing PN for pileup. Output file is pn_epat_$j.ps. \n"; `epatplot set=pn_filtered_$j.fits plotfile=pn_epat_$j.ps useplotfile=yes`; print "Making the PN response and ancillary files. This may take a while. \n"; `rmfgen rmfset=pn_src_$j.rmf spectrumset=pn_src_$j.pi`; if ($extended_flag == 0) { `arfgen arfset=pn_src_$j.arf spectrumset=pn_src_$j.pi withrmfset=yes rmfset=pn_src_$j.rmf withbadpixcorr=yes badpixlocation=pn_evt_cp setbackscale=yes`; } if ($extended_flag == 1) { `arfgen arfset=pn_src_$j.arf spectrumset=pn_src_$j.pi withrmfset=yes rmfset=pn_src_$j.rmf withbadpixcorr=yes badpixlocation=pn_evt_cp extendedsource=yes detmaptype=flat setbackscale=yes` ; } } } # Next to godliness. if ($process_m1) { `rm m1_evt_cp`; } if ($process_m2) { `rm m2_evt_cp`; } if ($process_pn) { `rm pn_evt_cp`; } print "Done. \n";