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Catalog Overview

This GRBs Catalog (GRBCAT) records high level information of the GRBs detected since their discovery in 1967. The catalog has been created using publications that report lists of GRB detections. These are mostly papers already published in refereed journals, unpublished papers, and PhD thesis presenting lists of GRBs. GRBCAT includes also compilation of bursts that were already present in the HEASARC database system. The catalog is organized with a main table reporting general information for each GRB and additional tables linked to the main table where specific information for the flux and the region of detection are reported. Afterglow measurements are also recorded in a separate table for all bursts detected after May 11 1996.

Catalog Parameters

Main Table:

The main table for each GRB contains an entry for each satellite that reports a detection with either a flux and/or position measurement.

Separator Bar

Parameters Description
Record_number : Numerical value that uniquely identifies a record within this database
Id : Unique numerical value assigned to each GRB
Name : Burst Name as GRB YYMMDDn (if multiple bursts occur within a day, where n is a character string)
Alt_names : Other Names for the burst
Time : Time when the GRB was observed (UT)
Time_def : Reference Time system for the burst detection
Observatory : Name of the detecting instrument
Ra : Right Ascension of the center of the error region
Dec : Declination of the center of the error region
Region : Region type: circle, annulus, box, dual, annulus intersection, irregular or intersection.
Afterglow_flag : Afterglow Flag
Reference : Paper reporting the burst
Flux_flag : Flux Flag
Notes : Notes
Flux_notes : Flux Notes
Local_notes : Localization Notes
Class : Source Classification

Durations: The definition for the duration are given in the notes page.
Parameters Description
T50_mod : Modifier for T50 (<, >, ~, etc.)
T50 : T_50 (s)
T50_error : T_50 Error (s)
T50_range : Energy Range for T50 (keV)
T50_emin : Minimum of Energy Range for T50 (keV)
T50_emax : Maximum of Energy Range for T50 (keV)
T90_mod : Modifier for T90 (<, >, ~, etc.)
T90 : T_90 (s)
T90_error : T_90 Error (s)
T90_range : Energy Range for T90 (keV)
T90_emin : Minimum of Energy Range for T90 (keV)
T90_emax : Maximum of Energy Range for T90 (keV)
T_other : Duration not specified or a Different Duration Measurement

Fluxes and Fluences:

This table is an associated to the GRBs Catalog and lists the fluxes and fluences of the GRBs.

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Parameters Description
Flux_mod : Modifier for Flux (<, >, ~, etc.)
Flux : Flux (Units s^-1 cm^-2)
Flux_error : Peak Flux Error (Units s^-1 cm^-2)
Flux_units : Flux Measurement Unit (Ergs or Photons)
Flux_energy : Energy Range of Flux Measurement (keV)
Flux_emin : Minimum of Energy Range of Flux Measurement (keV)
Flux_emax : Maximum of Energy Range of Flux Measurement (keV)
Fluence_mod : Modifier for Fluence (<, >, ~, etc.)
Fluence : Fluence (Units cm^-2)
Fluence_error : Fluence Error (Units cm^-2)
Fluence_units : Fluence Measurement Unit (Ergs or Photons)
Fluence_energy : Energy Range of Fluence Measurement (keV)
Fluence_emin : Minimum of Energy Range of Fluence Measurement (keV)
Fluence_emax : Maximum of Energy Range of Fluence Measurement (keV)


There are seven different types of regions that describe the GRB localization. To each GRB is associated only one type of region. The number of parameters used to decribe each geometry varies from region to region and they are listed below for each of the geometry. The definition for the different types of regions are given in the notes page.

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Region Circle:
Parameters Description
Circle_ra : Right ascention of the center of the circle error region (in degrees)
Circle_dec : Declination of the center of the circle error region (in degrees)
Circle_radius : Radius of error region (degrees)
Circle_area : Area of error region (arcmin^2)

Region Annulus:
Parameters Description
Annulus_ra : Right ascention of center of Annulus
Annulus_dec : Declination of center of Annulus
Annulus_radius : Annulus radius (degrees)
Annulus_hw : Annulus radius half-width (degrees)

Region Box:
Parameters Description
Box_ra : Right ascention of the center of the error box region
Box_dec : Declination of the center of the box error region
Box_area : Error Box area (arcmin^2)
Box_arc_seg : Segment length of IPN Annulus (degrees)
Box_ra1 : First corner right ascention
Box_dec1 : First corner declination
Box_ra2 : Second corner right ascention
Box_dec2 : Second corner declination
Box_ra3 : Third corner right ascention
Box_dec3 : Third corner declination
Box_ra4 : Fourth corner right ascention
Box_dec4: Fourth corner declination
Box_ra5 : Fifth corner right ascention
Box_dec5: Fifth corner declination
Box_ra6 : Sixth corner right ascention
Box_dec6 : Sixth corner declination

Region Dual:
Parameters Description
Dual_ra1 : Dual localization, first right ascention
Dual_dec1 : Dual localization, first declination
Dual_radius1 : Dual localization, first radius (degrees)
Dual_area1 : Dual localization, first area (arcmin^2)
Dual_ra2 : Dual localization, second right ascention
Dual_dec2 : Dual localization, second declination
Dual_radius2 : Dual localization, second radius (degrees)
Dual_area2 : Dual localization, second area (arcmin^2)

Region Intersection:
Parameters Description
Int_ann_ra : Right Ascension of center of annulus used in intersection
Int_ann_dec : Declination of center of annulus used in intersection
Int_ann_radius : Radius of annulus used in intersection (Degrees)
Int_ann_hw : Half-Width of annulus used in intersection (Degrees)
Int_box_ra1 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 1 Right Ascension
Int_box_dec1 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 1 Declination
Int_box_ra2 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 2 Right Ascension
Int_box_dec2 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 2 Declination
Int_box_ra3 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 3 Right Ascension
Int_box_dec3 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 3 Declination
Int_box_ra4 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 4 Right Ascension
Int_box_dec4 : Resulting Error Box, Corner 4 Declination

Region Annulus Intersection:
Parameters Description
Ann_int_ra : Right Ascension of center of intersection Area
Ann_int_dec : Declination of center of intersection Area
Ann_int_ra1 : Right ascention of center of first annulus used in intersection
Ann_int_dec1 : Declination of center of first annulus used in intersection
Ann_int_radius1 : Radius of first annulus used in intersection (degrees)
Ann_int_hw1 : Halfwidth of first annulus used in intersection (degrees)
Ann_int_ra2 : Right ascention of center of second annulus used in intersection
Ann_int_dec2 : Declination of center of second Annulus used in intersection
Ann_int_radius2 : Radius of second annulus used in intersection (degrees)
Ann_int_hw2 : Halfwidth of second annulus used in intersection (degrees)
Ann_int_ra3 : Right ascention of center of third Annulus used in intersection
Ann_int_dec3 : Declination of center of third annulus used in intersection
Ann_int_radius3 : Radius of third annulus used in intersection (degrees)
Ann_int_hw3 : Halfwidth of third annulus used in intersection (degrees)

Region Irregular:
Parameters Description
Irr_circle_ra : Comptel Right Ascension
Irr_circle_dec : Comptel Declination
Irr_ra : Most probable right ascention
Irr_dec : Most probable declination
Irr_arc_length : Arc length of error region (degrees)
Irr_arc_width : Arc width of error region (degrees)
Irr_spacecraft : Spacecraft involved in intersection


The GRB Afterglows table contains intensity and redshift measurements obtained with ground based telescopes or with space based observatories carried out after the detection of the GRBs.

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Parameters Description
Name : Burst name as YYMMDD
Alt_names : Other names burst has been identified as
Telescope : Observing telescope
Observatory : Observatory
Band : Band of observation
Energy_range : Energy Range of Observation (R-I-O-U-X-G)
Obs_time : Time of observation (UT)
Ra : Right Ascension
Dec : Declination
Coord_flag : Where the coordinates come from
Local_notes : Localization Notes
Detected : If the afterglow was detected: y(yes), n(no), p(probably)
Intensity_mod : Intensity Modifier
Intensity : Intensity observed
Intensity_err : Intensity error
Intensity_error_min : Intensity Error Minimum
Intensity_error_max : Intensity Error Maximum
Intensity_units : Units of intensity observation
Redshift_mod : Redshift Modifier
Redshift : Measured redshift
Redshift_err : Redshift error
Redshift_min : Redshift Minimum
Redshift_max : Redshift Maximum
Reference : Obervation reference
Notes : Notes related to the afterglow measurement

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Last modified: Thursday, 19-Jun-2008 16:40:54 EDT