infil,s,a,,,,"I/p Collimator Response file" outfil,s,a,,,,"O/p Image filename" remap,b,h,no,,,"Remap spatially if stored grid not regular ?" chatter,i,h,9,,,"Chatter flag" extrap,b,a,,,,"Extrapolate during bilinear remapping ?" xmin,r,a,,,,"Min coord-1 value for remapping" xmax,r,a,,,,"Max coord-1 value for remapping" nxbins,i,al,,,,"No of coord-1 bins after remapping" ymin,r,a,,,,"Min coord-2 value for remapping" ymax,r,a,,,,"Max coord-2 value for remapping" nybins,i,al,,,,"No of coord-2 bins after remapping" emin,s,h,,,,"Lower energy boundary of output image (in keV or '%')" emax,s,h,,,,"Upper energy boundary of output image (in keV or '%')" clobber,b,h,no,,,"Overwrite output file if it already exists ?" mode,s,h,"ql",,,""