aecoordcalc -- Coordinates Calculator for Suzaku (Astro-E2)


         aecoordcalc instrume coord alpha delta output attitude \
                     pointing infile ea1 ea2 ea3 ref_alpha ref_delta ref_roll t


This task does coordinate conversion among sensors, XRS/HXD/XIS0-3, and several coordinates, J2000/B1950/GAL/SKY/FOC/DET/ACT/RAW/PPU. The input parameters depend on the options chosen and the user is prompted for them when necessary (see below).


instrume [string]
Any of XRS/HXD/XIS0-3 to specify instrument.

coord [string]
Any of ECS/J2000/B1950/GAL/SKY/FOC/DET/OPTIC to specify input coordinates.

output [string]
Any of FULL/XRS/HXD/XIS0-3 for message output.

attitude [file name]
Attitude file name, or KEY/USER. When an attitude file (aeXXXXXXXXX.att) name is set, the satellite Euler angles at the specified time by the "t" parameter is referred to, reading the attitude file. With 'KEY', they are referred to the MEAN_EA1, MEAN_EA2 and MEAN_EA3 header keywords in a FITS file specified by the "infile" parameter. With 'USER', they are read from user input by the "ea1", "ea2" and "ea3" parameters.

pointing [string]
This parameter specifies how to obtain the pointing direction (KEY/USER). When pointing=USER, the coordinate reference values of "ref_alpha", "ref_delta", and "ref_roll" are read from user inputs. When pointing=KEY, they are read from the "RA_NOM" and "DEC_NOM" header keywords (assuming ref_roll=0.0) in a FITS file specified by the "infile" parameter.

infile [file name]
Input an event or pha FITS file when attitude=KEY or pointing=KEY.

ea1 [real]
1st ZYZ-Euler angle (deg). The "ea1", "ea2", and "ea3" parameters are needed when the attitude=USER.

ea2 [real]
2nd ZYZ-Euler angle (deg).

ea3 [real]
3rd ZYZ-Euler angle (deg).

ref_alpha [string]
R.A. of the reference pixel in deg or NNhNNmNN.NNs. The "ref_alpha", "ref_delta", and "ref_roll" parameters are needed when pointing=USER.

ref_delta [string]
Dec. of the reference pixel in deg or +NNdNNmNN.NNs.

ref_roll [real]
Roll angle of Y-axis from the north (deg).

(aberration = yes) [boolean]
Correct aberration or not.

t [string]
The Suzaku time in second, or date string 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss' Needed when aberration=yes (default) or attitude=aeXXXXXXXXX.att.

(leapfile = CALDB;$ENV{LHEA_DATA}/leapsec.fits) [file name]
Name of the leap second file. The default value is set to indicate that aecoordcalc will search for the file in CALDB first and then in the LHEA_DATA directory if necessary (the actual path for the HEADAS installation in use will be shown).

(xrs_teldef = CALDB) [file name]
Location of XRS teldef file.

(hxd_teldef = CALDB) [file name]
Location of HXD teldef file.

(xis0_teldef = CALDB) [file name]
Location of XIS0 teldef file.

(xis1_teldef = CALDB) [file name]
Location of XIS1 teldef file.

(xis2_teldef = CALDB) [file name]
Location of XIS2 teldef file.

(xis3_teldef = CALDB) [file name]
Location of XIS3 teldef file.

alpha [string]
R.A. in deg or NNhNNmNN.NNs.

delta [string]
Dec. in deg or +NNdNNmNN.NNs.

The following inputs are required when COORD=J2000 or COORD=B1950.

alphaJ2000 [real]
R.A. (J2000) in deg.

deltaJ2000 [real]
Dec. (J2000) in deg.

alphaB1950 [real]
R.A. (B1950) in deg.

deltaB1950 [real]
Dec. (B1950) in deg.

The following parameters are given in the output.

aber_alpha [real]
R.A. difference in deg by aberration.

aber_delta [real]
Dec. difference in deg by aberration.

aber_arcsec [real]
Angular difference in arcsec by aberration.

The following parameters are always used output, and are only required for input when COORD=GAL.

l [real]
Galactic longitude (deg).

b [real]
Galactic latitude (deg).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=SKY.

x [real]
X value of SKY coorindates (pixel).

y [real]
Y value of SKY coorindates (pixel).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=FOC.

focx [real]
FOCX value of FOC coorindates (pixel).

focy [real]
FOCY value of FOC coorindates (pixel).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=DET.

detx [real]
DETX value of DET coorindates (pixel).

dety [real]
DETY value of DET coorindates (pixel).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=PIXEL (XRS only).

pixel [real]

corner [integer]
Location with the pixel: 0:center, 1:left-low corner, 2:right-low, 3:right-up, 4:left-up.

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=ACT (XIS only).

actx [real]
ACTX value of ACT coorindates (pixel).

acty [real]
ACTY value of ACT coorindates (pixel).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=RAW (XIS only).

segment [integer]
SEGMENT number of XIS (0-3).

rawx [real]
RAWX value of RAW coorindates (pixel).

rawy [real]
RAWY value of RAW coorindates (pixel).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=PPU (XIS only).

ppux [real]
PPUX value of PPU coorindates (pixel).

ppuy [real]
PPUY value of PPU coorindates (pixel).

The following parameters are required for input when COORD=OPTIC.

theta [real]
Offset angle from optical axis (arcmin).

phi [real]
Azimuth angle from XRT-S optical axis (deg).

The following parameters are used for output regarding the XRS only.

xrs_skyx [real]
X value of XRS SKY coorindates (pixel).

xrs_skyy [real]
Y value of XRS SKY coorindates (pixel).

xrs_focx [real]
FOCX value of XRS FOC coorindates (pixel).

xrs_focy [real]
FOCY value of XRS FOC coorindates (pixel).

xrs_detx [real]
DETX value of XRS DET coorindates (pixel).

xrs_dety [real]
DETY value of XRS DET coorindates (pixel).

xrs_theta [real]
Offset angle from XRT-S optical axis (arcmin).

xrs_phi [real]
Azimuth angle from XRT-S optical axis (deg).

xrs_pixel [integer]
PIXEL number of XRS.

The following parameters are used for output regarding the HXD.

hxd_skyx [real]
X value of HXD SKY coorindates (pixel).

hxd_skyy [real]
Y value of HXD SKY coorindates (pixel).

hxd_focx [real]
FOCX value of HXD FOC coorindates (pixel).

hxd_focy [real]
FOCY value of HXD FOC coorindates (pixel).

hxd_detx [real]
DETX value of HXD DET coorindates (pixel).

hxd_dety [real]
DETY value of HXD DET coorindates (pixel).

hxd_theta [real]
Offset angle from HXD optical axis (arcmin).

hxd_phi [real]
Azimuth angle from HXD optical axis (deg).

The following parameters are used for output regarding XIS[N], where N is 0-3.

xisN_skyx [real]
X value of XISN SKY coorindates (pixel).

xisN_skyy [real]
Y value of XISN SKY coorindates (pixel).

xisN_focx [real]
FOCX value of XISN FOC coorindates (pixel).

xisN_focy [real]
FOCY value of XISN FOC coorindates (pixel).

xisN_detx [real]
DETX value of XISN DET coorindates (pixel).

xisN_dety [real]
DETY value of XISN DET coorindates (pixel).

xisN_actx [real]
ACTX value of XISN ACT coorindates (pixel).

xisN_acty [real]
ACTY value of XISN ACT coorindates (pixel).

xisN_segment (integer)
SEGMENT number of the XISN.

xisN_rawx [real]
RAWX value of XISN RAW coorindates (pixel).

xisN_rawy [real]
RAWY value of XISN RAW coorindates (pixel).

xisN_ppux [real]
PPUX value of XISN PPU coorindates (pixel).

xisN_ppuy [real]
PPUY value of XISN PPU coorindates (pixel).

xisN_theta [real]
Offset angle from XISN optical axis (arcmin).

xisN_phi [real]
Azimuth angle from XISN optical axis (deg).

The following parameters apply to all the cases.

(mjdrefi = 51544) [integer]
Integer part of the MJD-TT reference (2000.0 UT).

(mjdreff = 0.00074287037037037) [real]
Fractional part of the MJD-TT reference (64.184 s).

(anl_verbose = 0) [integer]
ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum).

(anl_profile = no) [boolean]
Enable ANL module profiling ?

(num_event = -1) [integer]
Number of event (-1=all, 0=exit).

(event_freq = 1000) [integer]
Event number printout frequency.

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Message chatter level (0:min,2:norm,5:max).


             % aecoordcalc instrume=XRS coord=J2000 alpha=162.80 \
             delta=57.42 output=FULL pointing=KEY
     Written by Y.ISHISAKI (TMU)
     Built on ANL HEADAS converter 1.60 for ANL version 1.60
     aecoordcalc: *** show parameter ***
                 INSTRUME   XRS
                    COORD   J2000
                    ALPHA   162.8000 (deg) / 10h51m12.0s
                    DELTA   57.4200 (deg) / +57d25m12s
                   OUTPUT   FULL
                 POINTING   KEY
                   INFILE   'ae19990922_0800_2210.att'
                      EA1   162.807883547035 (deg)
                      EA2   32.581066285108 (deg)
                      EA3   -4.009749081531 (deg)
                REF_ALPHA   162.8079 (deg) / 10h51m13.9s
                REF_DELTA   57.4189 (deg) / +57d25m08s
                 REF_ROLL   0.0000 (deg)
               ABERRATION   YES
                   AETIME   -8582451.600 / 1999-09-23T15:59:08.400000 in UTC
             LEAPSEC_FILE   '../test/leapsec.fits'
                  MJDREFI   51544
                  MJDREFF   0.00074287037037037
               XRS_TELDEF   'ae_xrs_teldef_20050622.fits'
               HXD_TELDEF   'ae_hxd_teldef_20050617.fits'
              XIS0_TELDEF   'ae_xi0_teldef_20050622.fits'
              XIS1_TELDEF   'ae_xi1_teldef_20050622.fits'
              XIS2_TELDEF   'ae_xi2_teldef_20050622.fits'
              XIS3_TELDEF   'ae_xi3_teldef_20050622.fits'
            J2000   (  162.8000 ,   57.4200 ) [deg] / ( 10h51m12.0s , +57d25m12s )
            B1950   (  162.0271 ,   57.6853 ) [deg] / ( 10h48m06.5s , +57d41m07s )
         Galactic   (  149.5830 ,   53.0360 ) [deg]
       Aberration   (  -33.3238 ,   -0.3458 ) [arcsec],  Ang.Distance =  17.9474
          XRS SKY   (  783.1924 ,  772.3001 ) [pixel]
          XRS FOC   (  772.6832 ,  770.7667 ) [pixel]
          XRS DET   (  132.6832 ,  130.7667 ) [pixel]
     XRS THETA/PHI       0.0827 [arcmin] /  -28.4508 [deg]
        XRS PIXEL   =  7
          HXD SKY   (  783.1945 ,  772.3006 ) [pixel]
          HXD FOC   (  772.6838 ,  770.7670 ) [pixel]
          HXD DET   (  799.1658 ,  721.2560 ) [pixel]
     HXD THETA/PHI       0.9783 [arcmin] /   57.0126 [deg]
         XIS0 SKY   (  783.1945 ,  772.3006 ) [pixel]
         XIS0 FOC   (  772.6838 ,  770.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS0 DET   (  516.6838 ,  514.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS0 ACT   (  516      ,  509      ) [pixel]
         XIS0 RAW   (    4      ,  509      ) [pixel] at SEGMENT = 2
         XIS0 PPU   (    6      ,  509      ) [pixel]
     XIS0 THETA/PHI      0.0827 [arcmin] /  -28.4508 [deg]
         XIS1 SKY   (  783.1945 ,  772.3006 ) [pixel]
         XIS1 FOC   (  772.6838 ,  770.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS1 DET   (  516.6838 ,  514.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS1 ACT   (  509      ,  507      ) [pixel]
         XIS1 RAW   (    2      ,  507      ) [pixel] at SEGMENT = 1
         XIS1 PPU   (    4      ,  507      ) [pixel]
     XIS1 THETA/PHI      0.0827 [arcmin] /  -28.4508 [deg]
         XIS2 SKY   (  783.1945 ,  772.3006 ) [pixel]
         XIS2 FOC   (  772.6838 ,  770.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS2 DET   (  516.6838 ,  514.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS2 ACT   (  514      ,  516      ) [pixel]
         XIS2 RAW   (    2      ,  516      ) [pixel] at SEGMENT = 2
         XIS2 PPU   (    4      ,  516      ) [pixel]
     XIS2 THETA/PHI      0.0827 [arcmin] /  -28.4508 [deg]
         XIS3 SKY   (  783.1945 ,  772.3006 ) [pixel]
         XIS3 FOC   (  772.6838 ,  770.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS3 DET   (  516.6838 ,  514.7670 ) [pixel]
         XIS3 ACT   (  516      ,  509      ) [pixel]
         XIS3 RAW   (    4      ,  509      ) [pixel] at SEGMENT = 2
         XIS3 PPU   (    6      ,  509      ) [pixel]
     XIS3 THETA/PHI      0.0827 [arcmin] /  -28.4508 [deg]


None reported




This program was developed primarily in the ASTRO-E ANL environment by Yoshitaka Ishisaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University).


August 2007


May2007 ftools.suzaku