ERIC GOTTHELF *** 2/24/95 New ascaexpo, ascalin help , and asca subs changes *** EMILY GREENE *** 2/24/95 misc.for fctofs fixed VMS bug in reading MJDREF (mgtime, fcurve, fltime) 2/27/95 fvec2img 3.4a rotate image, fix tdelta problem, integer image default *** March 20, 1995: ============== PCRPSF, ROSAT task, version 2.1.0 - PCRPSF calculates a theoretical radial PSF for the ROSAT PSPC. Users can specify the strength of the background in counts per pixel, it will be scaled and added approriately to the theoretical profile. A new feature has been added, which allows the program to calculate an approriate background. In addition more diagnostics have been added at high chatter. HRIRPSF, ROSAT task, version 1.1.2 - HRIRPSF calculates a theoretical radial PSF for the ROSAT PSPC. Users can specify the strength of the background in counts per pixel, it will be scaled and added approriately to the theoretical profile. A new feature has been added, which allows the program to calculate an approriate background. In addition more diagnostics have been added at high chatter ST2RPSF, CALTOOLS task, version 1.0.7 - Converts radial PSF dataset from stwfits to OGIP format The option of calculating the background strength has been added. RBNRPSF, CALTOOLS task, version 1.13 - Rebins a radial PSF dataset The option of calculating the background strength has been added. ECD2PHA, HEASARC task, version 1.0.0 - Converts Einstein HEASARC CD-ROM PHA dataset to OGIP standard PHA dataset New task March 21, 1995: ============== FSELECT - Added Circle Function to allow faster region selection than was possible with the Ellipse Function. March 22, 1995: ============== GRPPHA version 2.0.1, HEASARC task - Minor change to format that the current setting(s) is dumped in, this involved a change to subroutine DUMP_COM. DMPRMF version 1.0.8, CALTOOLS task - bugfix to writing imagefile facility.