FMOSAIC (May01) ftools.futils FMOSAIC (May01) NAME fmosaic -- Create a mosaic of several ASCA observations USAGE fmosaic out_keyword imgsizex imgsizey cellsize RA DEC (Y/N energy cut) [lower and upper limit] (Y/N background image done) [Method used for background] (Y/N mosaic of exposure maps) input_file DESCRIPTION The fmosaic program is a fortran program adapted from an existing image_10 program written by E. Churazov, M. Gilfanov, and A. Finoguenov. A complete rewriting of the code and the use of FITSIO was done by Ilana Harrus. This program creates a mosaic of several observations. The energy and the binning for X and Y direction are correctly taken into account. The input is a file containing the events files to be merged The user has different options: Mosaic of images, background and exposure maps with or without energy cuts. The results are FITS files which can be then used to generate the smoothed maps of (Image-background)/Exposure. The input file format depends on what option the user choses: The file can contains up to 4 columns: The column are read in the order of: EVENTS/RMF/BACKGROUND/EMAP when one of these is not needed, the columns shift. For example: The .rmf file is needed for energy cut. NOTE: if the rmf file and the event file are not binned the same way, the program will stop. If the user choose to have NO energy cut, then the columns will be event_file background_file exposure_map. The background file can be either a MKF file (if the user chose to use the CALDB directory) or a user generated background file. The MKF file is used in the case of the ASCA to derive the rigidity histogram and then assigning the same weight to the background files found in CALDB. The user can chose to use private background maps. This option was implemented for use with the program "mkgisbgd" written by Ken Ebisawa and which produced maps and spectrum for the background using a large set of files (point sources removed and corrected for exposure). The results are in counts/pixel/sec and the final map is renormalized at the end with the total exposure. If the choice is no energy cut, no background substraction but exposure map, the file should contain only two columns with: event_file exposure_map NOTE: The exposure maps have to be generated SEPARATELY using the stand-alone package for that Now if an energy cut is needed, column two will always contains the RMF file and column 3 and 4 will be assigned to background and exposure maps. If the user decides to have no background mosaic generated but just exposure mosaic, there will be no column 4 and column 3 will contain the exposure maps. Output of the program is 1,2 or 3 FITS files. PARAMETERS out_keyword [character] A keyword which will be used to generate the output file from the fmosaic program. (seed=2356789) [integer] A number used to randomize in the image reconstruction. A negative value implies that no randomization is done. (sizeunit=arcmin) [character] The unit to be used in the final image. Choices include: deg|arcmin|pix|max imgsizex [real] Final image size in the RA direction (unit set by "sizeunit") imgsizey [real] Final image size in the dec direction (unit set by "sizeunit") cells [real] Final image cell size in arcsec. ra0 [real] RA value of the center of the final image. dec0 [real] Dec value of the center of the final image. enrgcut [character] Do you want to perform an energy cut on the final image (Y/N)? el [real] If "enrgcut" is "yes" - Value fo the lower energy cut. eu [real] If "enrgcut" is "yes" - Value fo the upper energy cut. bckdone [character] Do you want to make a background mosaic image (Y/N)? bckmeth [character] If "bckdone" is "yes" - Which method do you want to use? Choices are: --auto-- Use the files under CALDB --user-- Use files generated by the user emapdone [character] Do you want to make a mosaic of existing exposure images (Y/N)? evfile [character] Name of the file which contains the list of all input files used in the mosaic program. EXAMPLES 1. The standard way to run it is to type it without argument ft> fmosaic NOTES: BUGS: SEE ALSO