barytime - Reads EGRET event files and performs user-selected cuts on photon direction, energy and quality screening parameters, producing an output list with a column containing the solar-system barycenter corrected photon arrival times bcmppha - Converts BATSE PHA files to a format readable by XSPEC bcont - Reads one or more (contiguous) BATSE daily data sets for plotting, interactive time cuts, statistical tests bod2pha - Makes XSPEC PHA file from BATSE occultation data bod2rmf - Makes XSPEC RMF file for BATSE occultation data. bodfluxhis - Extracts light curve from BATSE Earth occultation data bodgetvp - Gets viewing period info from BATSE occultation data bpulsarspec - Reads BATSE pulsar database files and displays the hardness ratio vs. phase or time, flux vs. phase eaddmap - Add or subtract two EGRET maps econvpha - Converts EGRET .spec files to XSPEC .pha files econvrmf - Converts EGRET .resp files to XSPEC .rmf files. emapgen - Converts a photon list (qvp file) to a counts map fbbft2pha - Converts BATSE BFITS file to spectral PHA file fbdrm2rmf - Converts BATSE DRM file to RMF format fesdb2rdf - Reads i/p QVP and EXP (optional) data files and writes an o/p FITS data file in OGIP standard format fevpbtoa - Converts Fits formatted Comptel EVP data to an ASCII file groview - Display BATSE, COMPTEL and EGRET viewing angles for user selected range of viewing intmap - Generates EGRET intensity and exposure maps like - Performs Maximum Likelihood analysis of EGRET sky maps specmat - Contstructs XSPEC compatible spectral data file and response matrix from source flux and position information generated by the "like" program