groview -- Display BATSE, COMPTEL and EGRET viewing angles for user selected range of viewing.


       groview  all_VPs  vp1  vp2  data_dir  raSource  decSource  incThresh 
         show_OSSE show_EGRET show_COMPTEL show_BATSE


This is a tool to search the CGRO viewing period file for a given source location, and, return BATSE, COMPTEL and EGRET viewing angles for user selected range of viewing periods. User inputs source position and VP range of interest.

The file, "vp_list.fits", available from <>, is read to determine spacecraft orientation. Outputs is the source angle relative to the Z-axis, the BATSE LAD angles for each viewing period requested, and the approcimate COMPTEL and EGRET angular responses (as published in the Appendix-G to the CGRO Guest Investigatory Program NRA, <>), are retuned.

The Viewing plan for the entire CGRO mission can be found on the WWW at <>.


all_VPs [string]
optional parameter of viewing period(y/n). if "y", then view all VPs listed in the file vp_list.fits. If "n", then next step is to input initial viewing period vp1 and final viewing period vp2.

vp1 [integer]
initial viewing period. Note that VP numbers on the WWW page such as "909.0" are entered as "9090".

vp2 [integer]
final viewing period

data_dir [string]
the directory to hold the input files

raSource [double]
Source RA angle in degree

decSource [double]
Source DEC angle in degree

incThresh [double]
threshold angle between spacecraft and source

show_OSSE [string]
optional parameter for screen display OSSE Target

show_EGRET [string]
optional parameter for screen display EGRET responses

show_COMPTEL [string]
optional parameter for screen display COMPTEL responses

show_BATSE [string]
optional parameter for screen display BATSE direction


User inputs source position in RA and DEC (J2000) decimal degrees, and viewing period (VP) range of interest. GROVIEW returns the source angle relative to the Z-axis, the BATSE LAD angles, COMPTEL Responses and EGRET Responses for each requested viewing period requested.

The parameter file input for this case would be:

     view all VPs(y/n)?[n]
     ID of initial viewing period:[2040] 9090
     ID of final viewing period:[2060] 9130
     name of directory for data files:[data]
     Source RA in degree:[188.99]
     Source Dec in degree:[-0.74]
     inclination threshold angle:[40.]
     view OSSE Target(y/n)?[y]
     view EGRET Responses(y/n)?[y]
     view COMPTEL Responses(y/n)?[y]
     view BATSE Direction(y/n)?[y]
     Viewing Period 9100
     Spacecratf Z-Axis RA & DEC: 190.810, -3.420
     Angle between Source and SC_Z:  3.239
     VP Statistics
     OSSE Primary Target  :    3C 279
     OSSE Secondary Target:    GPLANE 352.5
     BATSE Direction Cosines:
     B[0]=-0.563 B[1]= 0.590 B[2]=-0.622
     B[3]= 0.533 B[4]=-0.534  B[5]= 0.621
     B[6]=-0.591  B[7]= 0.561
     COMPTEL Responses: Efficiency
     Case 1:  1275 KeV, no phi-bar restriction:    0.00
     Case 2:  1275 KeV, standard:                  0.00
     EGRET Responses: Effective Area
     only the central telescopes active:
     100 Mev:       0.0
     1   Gev:       0.0
     Viewing Period 9111
     Spacecratf Z-Axis RA & DEC: 188.880,  0.850
     Angle between Source and SC_Z:  1.594
     VP Statistics
     OSSE Primary Target  :    3C 273
     OSSE Secondary Target:    G CENTER 0+0
     BATSE Direction Cosines:
     B[0]= 0.557 B[1]=-0.598 B[2]= 0.573
     B[3]=-0.583 B[4]= 0.585  B[5]=-0.572
     B[6]= 0.599  B[7]=-0.555
     COMPTEL Responses: Efficiency
     Case 1:  1275 KeV, no phi-bar restriction:    1.00
     Case 2:  1275 KeV, standard:                  0.62
     EGRET Responses: Effective Area
     only the central telescopes active:
     100 Mev:     650.0
     1   Gev:    1405.8


The Viewing Period list file "vp_list.fits",is required; see <>. This should placed in data_dir/vp_list.fits



bodgetvp, bod2rmf, bod2pha, groview


Aug ftools.gro