GTISYNCH (Apr06) suzaku.gtisynch GTISYNCH (Apr06) NAME GTISYNCH -- Modifies/Adjusts GTI START and END time stamps depending upon the values of the time frames in the input event file(s). USAGE gtisynch eventfile gtifile out_gtifile frac_exposure DESCRIPTION GTISYNCH uses the time frames in the input event files to modify and adjust the GTI intervals in the GTI file The CCD-based instruments collect data in exposures which are several seconds long. If the starts and stops of GTIs occur in the middle of a CCD exposure period, this tool will try to adjust them to either the beginning or end of the time frame in the event file. PARAMETERS eventfile [string] The file name and the extension of the input event fits file. If the file name is preceded with a @, it is a ASCII file, which contains the list of the event file name/extensions, one per each line. gtifile [string] The file name and the extension of the input GTI fits file. outfile [string] The output gti file. If it has the same name as the input gti file, it will be appended to or overwrite the original file, depending on whether the clobber parameter is set. expofrac [real] The fraction of the exposure to be included in a GTI. (begin = "FRAME_ST_AETIMES") [string] Column containing frame begin times in event extension. (end = "FRAME_END_AETIMES") [string] Column containing frame end times in event extension. (frames_ext = "FRAMES") [string] The name of extension containing frames. (start = "START") [string] Column containing GTI start times in input GTI extension. (stop = "STOP") [string] Column containing GTI stop times in input GTI extension. (gti_ext = "STDGTI") [string] The name of extension containing gtis. (clobber = "yes") [string] Delete outfile if it exists? EXAMPLES 1. Adjust the GTI file orig_gti.fits using the event file event.fits and expofrac = 0.1. The results are written to the file mod_gti.fits. gtisynch event.fits+1 orig_gti.fits+1 mod_gti.fits 0.1 2. Adjust the GTI file orig_gti.fits using the events file listed in list.lis and expofrac = 0.1. The results are written to the file mod_gti.fits. gtisynch @list.lis orig_gti.fits+1 mod_gti.fits 0.1 The events files are listed in the list.lis. event_1.fits[1] event_2.fits[1] ... event_n.fits[1] BUGS SEE ALSO LAST MODIFIED April 2006