HXDPI (July 2008) suzaku.hxd HXDPI (July 2008) NAME hxdpi_old -- fill the HXD PI columns for the WELL FITS USAGE hxdpi_old input_name hklist_name pin_gainhist_name gso_gainhist_name hxdgsolin_fname hxdpinlin_fname DESCRIPTION Fill the HXD PI columns (PI_PIN[0-3], PI_SLOW, PI_FAST) from PHA_**. PI_PINs are includes the effects, as follows, (1) Integrated ADC non linearity of PIN channel (2) PIN individual gain variation, and PI_SLOW and PI_FAST are included the following effects, (1) Differencial ADC non linearity (2) Integrated ADC non linearity (3) PMT Gain variability. The definitions of the PI_SLOW and PI_FAST are PI = E/2.0 - 0.50 where E is the channel energy for GSO crystals, defined as a value of the energy at the biginning of the each PI channel. The definitions of PI_PINs are, PI = E/0.375 - 1.00. At the hklist_name option, users need to specify both of the HXD HK file(s) in the hxd/hk directory in the distribution package and the ehk file(s) in the auxil directory, which provides T_SAA_HXD parameter values. PARAMETERS (read_iomode = overwrite) HXD event fits input I/O mode : overwrite or create ? (time_change = n) HXD event fits update TIME : y or n ? (grade_change = n) HXD event fits update GRADE : y or n ? (pi_pmt_change = y) HXD event fits update PI_FAST PI_SLOW : y or n ? (pi_pin_change = y) HXD event fits update PI_PIN0 PI_PIN1 PI_PIN2 PI_PIN3 : y or n ? (gtimode = n) HXD event fits using GTI : y or n ? (gti_time = S_TIME) HXD event fits using the time column: TIME or S_TIME ? input_name HXD event fits file name for input. (create_name = "NONE") HXD event fits created file name. It is not used when overwrite mode. hklist_name [filename] Input the HXD HK file in the hxd/hk directory and ehk file in the auxil directory. They can be listed one per line in an ASCII file, specified as hklist_name="@ASCII_filename". hxd_gsoght_fname HXD GSO gain history file name. The output of hxdmkgainhist or files in CALDB area. If the value is set to "CALDB", the tool automatically access the latest gsoghf file in the CALDB area. hxd_gsolin_fname HXD GSO CALDB file. The name is ae_hxd_gsolin_YYYYMMDD.fits where the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. If the value is set to "CALDB", the tool automatically access the latest gsolin file in the CALDB area. hxd_pinghf_fname HXD PIN gain history file name. The output of hxdmkgainhist. If the value is set to "CALDB", the tool automatically access the latest pinghf file in the CALDB area. hxd_pinlin_fname HXD PIN CALDB file. The name is ae_hxd_gsolin_YYYYMMDD.fits where the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. If the value is set to "CALDB", the tool automatically access the latest pinlin file in the CALDB area. (rand_seed = 7) Random number seed (rand_skip = 0) Random number skip (use_pwh_mode = n) Use PWH in time assignment (num_event = -1) number of event (-1=all, 0=exit) (event_freq = 10000) Event number printout frequency (anl_verbose = -1) ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum) (anl_profile = yes) Enable ANL module profiling (chatter = 2) message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max) EXAMPLES 1. Fill PI value for the event file "ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_wel.uff", using HK FITS listed in "hk.list", calibration information in "hxdgso_lin_050202.fits" and "hxdpin_lin_050201.fits", and gain history files named "ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_pin.ghf" and "ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_gso.ghf", as follows, % hxdpi_old input_name="./sff/ae20040824_1853_1959_hxd_wel.uff" \ hklist_name="@./list/hk.list" \ hxd_gsoght_fname="CALDB" hxd_gsolin_fname="CALDB" hxd_pinghf_fname="CALDB" hxd_pinlin_fname="CALDB" BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Yukikatsu TERADA (Saitama Univ), Tetsuichi KISISITA (ISAS/JAXA), Shinya HIRAKURI (Univ. of Tokyo), Motohide KOKUBUN (ISAS/JAXA) and the HXD team. LAST MODIFIED July 2008