nufilter -- Create a NuSTAR filter file from HK data running 'prefilter' and 'makefilter'


nufilter hkfile cebhkfile attfile orbitfile psdcorfile tlefile pntra pntdec outdir [parameter = < value >]


'nufilter' creates a filter file, containing all the housekeeping information, to be used in the data screening. This is achieved by running in sequence the multi-mission tasks 'prefilter' and 'makefilter'.

The first step is to derive attitude and orbit related quantities through the 'prefilter' task. The satellite attitude information included in the attitude file is interpolated and the NORAD two line elements (TLEs) are propagated to determine satellite ephemeris quantities. This information is used to calculate quantities such as Elevation Angle, Bright Earth Angle, Sun Angle, Cut off rigidity, etc. The output file of 'prefilter' (parameter 'attorbfile') contains a set of columns stored in the CALDB file 'preconfigfile'.

The housekeeping information is read from the input orbit file (parameter 'orbitfile'), the housekeeping files (parameters 'hkfile' and 'cebhkfile'), the Position Sensing Detector file (parameter 'psdcorfile'), the spacecraft attitude file (parameter 'attfile') and the 'prefilter' output file ('attorbfile').

The 'makefilter' configuration file, provided in input through the parameter 'mkfconfigfile', is a FITS file (by default read from the CALDB) which contains for each parameter requested the following information: the parameter name, the name of the FITS file, the name of the extension containing the parameter, the interpolation method, the calibration method, the output parameter name and comments for the corresponding keyword in the output filter file. The interpolation method is used when the value of a specific parameter is not present at given times; the calibration method is applied when some simple numerical manipulations on the input HK parameters is needed. Currently, the default of the interpolation method is set to copy the last known value of that parameter. The calibration method has not been implemented yet. See also the 'makefilter' help file for further details.


hkfile [file name]
Name of the input Housekeeping FITS file.

cebhkfile [file name]
Name of the input CEB Housekeeping FITS file.

attfile [file name]
Name of the input Attitude FITS file.

orbitfile [file name]
Name of the input Orbit FITS file.

psdcorfile [file name]
Name of the input corrected Position Sensing Detector FITS File.

outdir [file name]
Name of the directory for outputs.

(teldef=CALDB) [file name]
Name of teldef calibration file or CALDB or NONE for none.

(attorbfile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output prefilter file or DEFAULT for standard name.

(preconfigfile=CALDB) [file name]
Name of the input 'prefilter' configuration file or CALDB.

(tlemode=TLE_TEXT2) [string]
TLE processing mode [TLE_TEXT2|TLE_FITS].

tlefile [file name]
Name of the input TLE file.

(leapfile=$HEADAS/refdata/leapsec.fits) [file name]
Name of the input leap seconds file.

(rigfile=$HEADAS/refdata/ [file name]
Name of the input atFunctions rigidity file.

(origin=NASA/GSFC) [string]
Value for FITS ORIGIN keyword.

(interval=1) [real]
Time interval of output prefilter file (seconds).

pntra [real]
R.A. of S/C nominal pointing (degrees).

pntdec [real]
Declination of S/C nominal pointing (degrees).

(mkfconfigfile = CALDB) [string]
Name of the input FITS makefilter configuration file. If set to CALDB, the file is taken from the calibration database.

(mkffile=DEFAULT) [file name]
Name of the output makefilter file. Type DEFAULT to use the standard name.

(nonulls=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes' discharges from makefilter file rows with TIME set to NULL.

(gtiexpr=NONE) [string]
Expression for GTI generation on Orbit File or NONE.

(clobber=no) [boolean]
If clobber=yes overwrite the output file.

(chatter = 3) [integer]
Chatter Level (min=0, max=5).

(history=yes) [boolean]
If set to 'yes', write history keywords to the output file.


  1. Creates a filter file named nu40060001001A.mkf in the output directory 'outdir':

    > nufilter attfile=nu40060001001_att.fits orbitfile=nu40060001001_orb.fits psdcorfile=nu40060001001_psdcorr.fits outdir=./outdir
      tlefile=NUSTAR_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt pntra=258.3 pntdec=-23.7




    October 2012