nulccorr -- Apply livetime, PSF/EXPOSURE and vignetting corrections to NuSTAR light-curves


nulccorr lcfile hkfile outlcfile infile phafile mastaspectfile attfile det1reffile optaxisfile [parameter = < value >]


'nulccorr' generates a corrected light-curve accounting for the livetime, the PSF/EXPOSURE and vignetting corrections. The livetime correction is always applied and it is calculated using the values of the 'LIVETIME' column in the input file 'hkfile'.

For point-like sources (parameter 'extended=no'), the task applies to the output light-curve the PSF and vignetting corrections by setting the input parameters 'psfflag' and 'vignflag' to 'yes' (default values), respectively. The PSF term includes the corrections for the fraction of the photons falling outside the light-curve extraction region and for bad pixels and detector gaps located within the extraction region. The vignetting and PSF corrections are applied using the energy value specified by the parameter 'energy'.

For the point-like case, circular, elliptical and annular extraction regions centred on the source are supported by the task if the PSF correction is applied. No restrictions on the shape of the extraction region are present if the input parameter 'psfflag' is set to 'no'.

For extended sources (parameter 'extended=yes'), the task applies to the output light-curve the EXPOSURE and vignetting corrections by setting the input parameters 'expoflag' and 'vignflag' to 'yes' (default values), respectively. The EXPOSURE correction term accounts for bad pixels and detector gaps located within the extraction region. Also in this case, the vignetting correction is applied using the energy value specified by the parameter 'energy'. Note that for the extended case there are no restrictions on the shape of the extraction region.

Note that the vignetting correction can be applied to the output light-curve only if the input parameter 'psfflag'/'expoflag' are set to 'yes'.

By default the PSF/EXPOSURE and vignetting corrections are calculated using a sky instrument map (see 'nuexpomap' help file) generated internally by the task. To reduce the task execution time, it is possible to provide in input to 'nulccorr' a sky instrument map file and the associated aspect histogram file through the parameters 'inskyinstrfile' and 'inaspecthistofile', respectively. Note that in the latter case to produce vignetting corrected output light-curves it is necessary to provide in input a sky instrument map corrected for vignetting.

The task generates an output FITS light curve ('outlcfile') with the 'RATE' and 'ERROR' columns corrected for the different factors. The original values of the 'RATE' and 'ERROR' columns are saved and stored in the two new columns 'RATE_ORIG' and 'ERROR_ORIG' of the output light-curve. The task also sets the value of the 'DEADAPP' keyword to 'T' to reflect the fact that the output ligh-curve is livetime corrected.

The task also adds or updates to the output light-curve the keyword 'NULCCO' with value 'T' to specify that the light-curve has been corrected.


lcfile [file name]
Name of the input Light Curve FITS File.

hkfile [file name]
Name of the input Housekeeping FITS File.

outlcfile [file name]
Name of the output Corrected Light Curve FITS File or NONE to overwrite the input lcfile.

infile [file name]
Name of the input FITS Event File.

phafile [file name]
Name of the input PHA FITS File (used only if extended=yes).

(inskyinstrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the input SKY Instrument Map File or NONE for none.

(inaspecthistofile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the input Aspect Histogram File or NONE for none.

(pixposfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input pixel location file or CALDB.

(alignfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input alignment file or CALDB.

mastaspectfile [file name]
Name of the input Mast Aspect Solution File.

attfile [file name]
Name of FITS attitude file.

(teldef=CALDB) [filename]
Name of teldef calibration file or CALDB.

(instrprobmapfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input Instrument Probability Map File or CALDB.

(psffile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input 2D-PSF file or CALDB.

(vignfile=CALDB) [filename]
Name of the input vignetting file or CALDB.

(aberration=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, aberration is included in aspecting.

(vignflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, the vignetting correction is applied (only if inskyinstrfile=NONE).

(energy = 10) [real]
Energy value for PSF and vignetting corrections (keV).

det1reffile [file name]
Name of the input DET1 Reference Pixel File.

optaxisfile [file name]
Name of the input Optical Axis File.

(pixbin = 5) [integer]
Bin size of aspect histogram in pixels (pixel size = 2.46 arcsec).

(cutmaps=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, use resized exposure maps for PSF correction.

(boxsize=20) [integer]
Size in pixel for the subimage boxes (used if extended=yes).

(percent = 0.02) [real]
Probability threshold for DET1 instrument map generation.

(skyinstrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output SKY Instrument Map File or NONE for none.

(initseed=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, the random number generator uses a frozen seed value. If set to no, different seeds are generated for each run.

(extended=no) [boolean]
Extended source?(yes/no).

(corrfile=NONE) [filename]
Name of the output correction file or NONE for none.

(psfflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply psf correction (used only if extended=no).

(expoflag=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, apply exposure correction (used only if extended=yes).

(clobber=no) [boolean]
If set to yes, overwrite the output file.

(history=yes) [boolean]
If set to yes, write parameter values and other information in HISTORY blocks.

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Chatter Level (min=0, max=5).


  1. Apply the livetime, PSF and vignetting corrections to the input light-curve '' of a point-like source. The corrected light-curve is written in the output file ''.

     > nulccorr infile=nu40060001001A01_cl.evt 
       attfile=nu40060001001_att.fits mastaspectfile=nu40060001001_mast.fits det1reffile=nu40060001001A_det1.fits
       optaxisfile=nu40060001001A_oa.fits phafile=nu40060001001A01_sr.pha




April 2014