scat SCAT WCSTools 3.9.6, 31 August 2020, Jessica Mink ( List catalog sources in a region on the sky Usage: scat -c catalog [arguments] ra dec system (J2000, B1950, etc.) or : scat [arguments] list of catalog number ranges or : scat [arguments] @file of either positions or numbers) -a: List single closest catalog source -b: Output B1950 (FK4) coordinates -c name: Reference catalog (act, gsc, ua2, usa2, or local file -d: Output RA and Dec in degrees instead of hms dms -e: Output ecliptic coordinates -f: Output search center for other programs -g: Output galactic coordinates -h: Print heading, else do not -i [length]: Print catalog object name, not catalog number (length optional) -j: Output J2000 (FK5) coordinates -k kwd: Add this keyword to output from tab table search -l: Print center and closest star on one line -mx mag1[,mag2]: Magnitude #x limit(s) (only one set allowed, default none) -n num: Number of brightest stars to print (-1=all as found) -o name: Object name -p: Sort by distance from search center -q year: Equinox of output positions in FITS date format or years -r rad: Search radius (<0=-half-width) in arcsec -r radi-rado: Inner and outer edges of search annulus in arcsec -r dx,dy: Search halfwidths in ra,dec in great circle arcseconds -rr dra,ddec: Search halfwidths in ra,dec in arcsec of RA and Dec -s d|e|mx|n|p|r: Sort by r=RA d=Dec mx=Mag#x n=none p=distance e=merge -t: Tab table to standard output as well as file -u x y: Print x y instead of number in front of non-tab entry -v: Verbose -w: Write output file search[objname].[catalog] -x type: GSC object type (0=stars 3=galaxies -1=all -2=bands) -y year: Epoch of output positions in FITS date format or years year,year: First and last acceptable catalog entry epochs -z: Append to output file search[objname].[catalog] x: Number of magnitude must be same for sort and limits and x may be omitted from either or both -m and -s m