uvot2pha - Create a pha file from a UVOT image and region files.
uvotapercorr - Aperture correction for Swift-UVOT source count rates.
uvotapplywcs - Perform coordinate translations as given by WCS keywords.
uvotaspcorr - Find aspect corrections for UVOT sky images.
uvotattcorr - Adjust attitude file with information from UVOT aspect corrections.
uvotbadpix - Create pixel quality maps for UVOT images
uvotcentroid - Locate the centroid of a source on a UVOT image.
uvotcoincidence - Perform coincidence loss correction.
uvotdetect - Detect sources in a UVOT image.
uvotevgrism - Filter a UVOT grism event list and determine wavelength
uvotevtlc - Make a background-subtracted light curve from UVOT event data.
uvotexpcorr - (OBSOLETE) Swift/UVOT exposure time correction.
uvotexpmap - Generate exposure maps for UVOT sky images.
uvotflatfield - Perform flat-fielding on UVOT images.
uvotflux - Convert source count rates to magnitudes and flux.
uvotgraspcorr - Aspect correct UVOT grism images.
uvotgrplot - Plot UVOT grism spectrum.
uvotimage - Create UVOT level 2 images.
uvotimgrism - Extract UVOT grism spectra.
uvotimsum - Sum UVOT sky images or exposure maps.
uvotinteg - Determine centroid/area/sum for an image region.
uvotlc - Create level III light curve from Level II UVOT data
uvotlss - Calculate large scale sensitivity corrections.
uvotmag - (OBSOLETE) Use uvotcoincidence/uvotflux instead.
uvotmaghist - Make a light curve from the exposures in a UVOT image file.
uvotmodmap - Correct UVOT images for modulo-8 spatial fixed-pattern noise.
uvotoptsum - Optimally coadd UVOT images.
uvotpict - Create a finding chart image.
uvotpipeline - Run UVOT analysis software
uvotproduct - Create level III science products from Level II UVOT data.
uvotrmfgen - Create a UVOT response matrix.
uvotscreen - Filter a UVOT event list.
uvotsequence - List and visualize UVOT observing sequences.
uvotshiftpha - Shift a UVOT PHA in time assuming a power-law decay
uvotskycorr - Attempt to aspect correct UVOT sky images.
uvotskylss - Create and sum large scale sensitivity maps.
uvotsource - Instrumental source magnitude derived from UVOT image.
uvottfc - Swift/UVOT TDRSS finding chart processing.
uvotunicorr - Perform user-guided aspect correction of a sky image.



March 2021