XIMAGE (May2002) xanadu.ximage XIMAGE (May2002) NAME ximage -- a multi-mission X-ray image display and analysis program. USAGE ximage DESCRIPTION This interactive command-line application is designed to be instrument independent and to support the analysis of data from any X-ray imaging detector provided that the proper calibration files are available. Currently XIMAGE supports the detailed analysis of EXOSAT CMA, Einstein HRI and IPC, ROSAT PSPC and HRI, ASCA GIS and SIS, BeppoSAX MECS and LECS data, Swift XRT, Suzaku XIS and XMM . It also supports some basic analysis of optical, infrared and radio images. The following functions are provided: * reading in of images and event files * image rebinning, smoothing, and display * source detect, and statistical analysis * source removal * correction for vignetting, exposure, background and point spread function * image mosaics * contour plots and overlays * sky grids and pixel-coordinate conversions * changing equinox * x/y image slices * generation of a point spread function * circular and box region selection * extraction of spectra and lightcurves from event data The interface is based on Tcl, allowing it to be completely scriptable. The display and graphic capabilities of XIMAGE are based on the PGPLOT graphic package, including the /xtk device, which provides interactive zooming and mouseover capabilities. The programs, saoimage and POWplot can also be spawned to display images and select regions. Text-based help is available by running ximage and using the help command. Complete documentation available at http://ximage.gsfc.nasa.gov EXAMPLES The simplest usage of ximage is reading and displaying a FITS image or an image created from a FITS event file: > cpd /xtk > read file.fits > display Note: the cpd (change plot device) command saves the plot device between sessions, so it's unnecessary if you use the the same plot device. BUGS Report problems to xanprob@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov. Provide a detailed description of the problem (with a log file if possible).