ASCAEXPO (Jun98) ftools.asca ASCAEXPO (Jun98) NAME ascaexpo -- Generate an exposure map for an ASCA observation. USAGE ascaexpo evtfile calfile attfile ratefile instfile expofile attstep rebin binoff where, datafile = name of event file for which an exposure map is to be made. calfile = name of input teldef file (or CALDB). attfile = name of input attitude file (or DEFAULT/NONE). ratefile = name of input rate file (or NONE). instfile = name of input instrument file (or NONE). expofile = name of output exposure map (or DEFAULT). imapfile = name of output instrument map (or DEFAULT). skyfile = name of output image sky map (or DEFAULT). attstep = Maximum attitude deviation (arcsec) per step, or if negative, the number of attitude records to skip each step. rebin = image rebin factor (if instfile=NONE; -1 for default) binoff = pixel numbering convention offset ( 0.0 == 0.0