ASMAPPEND (4.0) April ASMAPPEND (4.0) NAME asmappend -- Reads in an ASM master file and a series of files that are sorted and appended to the master file. USAGE asmappend masterfile infile(s) DESCRIPTION A masterfile containing ASM data is modified by adding data from other supplied files. The infiles are sorted by according to TSTART with the earliest being assigned as the MASTERFILE (this should always be true anyway) then the remaining files are sorted and added to the masterfile according to times and information contained in the files. If the same time exists in 2 files it is assumed that the values in the later file (according to TSTART) is correct and the earlier values will be overwritten. The code will add rows anywhere in the file and modify all necessary keywords such that the resulting file is a proper FITS file. PARAMETERS masterfile [string - file name] The name of the ASM master file (and extension number in square brackets or as +N) to which all subsequent files are to be added. This file MUST contain the earliest start time, if it doesn't then the file with the earliest time is assumed to be the master file and the file which was entered as the MASTERFILE is added to the list of files to be added to the earliest file. (The first extension is the default.) infile [string - file name or @filename] The name of the input ASM FITS file (and extension number in square brackets the first is the default) to be binned, or a file containing several input FITS filenames to be acted upon which is denoted by an "at" sign (@file_of_infiles). (A maximum of 100 separate files are supported at this time.) mode = ql [string -> ql = query learn] This option allows the PAR file to be updated with each successfully completed run so that the defaults are changed. EXAMPLES 1. Sort and append one or several ASM FITS files to a MASTERFILE. asmappend masterfile.fits+1 @infiles NOTES: MODIFICATIONS: BUGS Version ASMAPPEND_V3.5.2 Has been tested and verified with the MIT delivered data files (unfortunately there are problems with the AS DELIVERED files which a PERL script will have to modify). Version ASMAPPEND_V4.0 Please report problems to