CHIMGTYP (August,1997) ftools.fimage CHIMGTYP (August,1997) NAME chimgtyp - Converts (changes) the data type (BITPIX) of an image array of the FITS image extension. USAGE chimgtyp infile outfile datatype DESCRIPTION CHIMGTYP converts the data type of the image extension. It writes the image array to an output file with modified bitpix value and modified array values as requested by user. The FITS defined data types are: ---------------------------------------------- datatype meaning bitpix ---------------------------------------------- UBYTE 8-bit unsigned byte 8 USHORT unsigned short 16 SHORT signed short 16 ULONG unsigned long 32 LONG signed long 32 FLOAT single precision float -32 DOUBLE double precision float -64 CAUTION: Note that certain convertions (e.g., float --> int, double --> float, long --> short, etc.) may cause loss of information. PARAMETERS infile [string] The name of the input image file. outfile [string] The name of output file. datatype[string] Datatype to be converted to (e.g., USHORT, or LONG, etc.). (Fnull= -1e37)[float] Value to assign undefined floating point pixels for output file. This is used when datatype is FLOAT or DOUBLE. (Inull= -99)[int] Value to assign undefined integer pixels for output file. This is used when datatype is LONG, or SHORT. Possible limits of this value, for converting to various datatypes are: datatype limits ------------------------------------- UBYTE 0 to 255 USHORT 0 to 65535 SHORT -32768 to +32767 ULONG 0 to 4294967295 LONG -2147483648 to 2147483647 ------------------------------------- (copyall= yes)[boolean] To copy all other existing extensions from the input file. By default, it is set to value 1 (true) which means, the task will copy all other existing extensions from the input to output. To reverse this option, one needs to enter copyall=0 in the command line. (clobber = no) [boolean]) Flag specifying whether or not a pre-existing file with the same name as that requested as the output file from this task will be overwritten. EXAMPLES 1. To convert image type from DOUBLE to ULONG, prompt> chimgtyp infile outfile datatype=ULONG Inull=99 BUGS None Known LOG OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES V1.0.0 (1997 August) PRIMARY AUTHOR Banashree M Seifert CONTACT FOR PROBLEM