HXDMKGAINHIST(June 2007) suzaku.hxd HXDMKGAINHIST(June 2007) NAME hxdmkgainhist -- produce gain-history files for HXD WELL_PIN and WELL_GSO. USAGE hxdmkgainhist input_name leapfile pin_fitlog_name gso_fitlog_name pin_gainhist_name gso_gainhist_name valid_date valid_time DESCRIPTION Produce gain history FITS files of HXD WELL_PIN and WELL_GSO from outputs of the hxd ftools, hxdmkgainhist_pin and hxdmkgainhist_gso. PARAMETERS (read_iomode = readonly) HXD event fits input I/O mode-- always readonly (gtimode = y) HXD event fits using GTI : yes or no? (gti_time = S_TIME) HXD event fits using time : TIME or S_TIME ? hxdmkgainhist_origin Values indicate the ORIGIN of the file. input_name [filename] HXD event fits file name phaextractor_mode PHA Extractor Mode : y or n ghfwrite_mode GHF FITS write Mode : y or n phaextractor_base_name [filename] PHA base name in PHA extractor mode phaextractor_gti_list [filename] @GTI file list in PHA extractor mode (phaextractor_extract_gso = y) Extract GSO PHA or not : y or n (phaextractor_extract_pin = n) Extract PIN PHA or not : y or n (phaextractor_gso_detchan = 256) Extract GSO Channel (phaextractor_pin_detchan = 256) Extract PIN Channel pin_fitlog_name [filename] HXD PIN fitlog file name gso_fitlog_name [filename] HXD GSO fitlog file name valid_date Valid Date (UT) for the gain history files as those in the caldb. Given as YYYY-MM-DD. valid_time Valid Time (UT) for the gain history files as those in the caldb. Given as HH:MM:SS. pin_gainhist_name [filename] PIN gain history file located in CALDB. The name is ae_hxd_pinghf_YYYYMMDD.fits where the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. gso_gainhist_name [filename] GSO gain history file located in CALDB. The name is ae_hxd_gsoghf_YYYYMMDD.fits where the string YYYYMMDD is the release date. (gainhistory_iomode = no) Add result to gainhistory : yes or no ? (leapfile = leapsec.fits) Input leap-seconds file including the path. This file is located in the HEADAS refarea. See enviroment variable $LHEA_DATA. (num_event = -1) number of event (-1=all, 0=exit) (event_freq = 10000) Event number printout frequency (anl_verbose = -1) ANL verbose level (-1:full, 0:minimum) (anl_profile = yes) Enable ANL module profiling (chatter = 2) Message chatter level (0:min, 2:norm, 5:max) EXAMPLES 1. Make gain history FITS files of PIN and GSO, named "hxd_pin.ghf" and "hxd_gso.ghf", respectively, for input event file named "ae19990903_1050_1200_hxd_wel.unf", with input fit-log files "hxd_pin_fit.log" and "hxd_gso_fit.log", (they are output files of hxdmkgainhist_gso and hxdmkgainhist_pin, respectively): % hxdmkgainhist input_name="ae19990903_1050_1200_hxd_wel.unf" \ pin_fitlog_name="hxd_pin_fit.log" \ gso_fitlog_name="hxd_gso_fit.log" \ pin_gainhist_name="hxd_pin.ghf" \ gso_gainhist_name="hxd_gso.ghf" \ leapfile="leapsec.fits" BUGS SEE ALSO AUTHOR Yukikatsu TERADA (Saitama Univ.), Yasuhiko ENDO (Saitama Univ.), Makoto TASHIRO (Saitama Univ.) and the HXD team LAST MODIFIED June 2007