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ASCA Weekly

Dear ASCA users:

I am sending ASCA weekly schedule for the period of October 19 - 29.

Two superluminous sources GRS 1915+105 and GRO J1655-40 (Nova Sco)
were observed with ASCA as TOO on September 27. Both were bright in the
ASCA band during the observations. The results of quick-look analyses will 
be sent to IAU Circ. in a few days.

F. Nagase

October 19 - 29  1994:  
(ISAS contact scientist:   K. Mitsuda,   Mitsuda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 	
	start	name  		Cat.	(ks)	Cat., Pri./TC	(PPI/Co-PI)
10/19	22:20	CF Tuc		Star	20	ESJ	2/n	M. Kurster

10/20	 7:20	U Gem		CV	30	US	1/n	P. Szkody

10/21	 4:20	SN1893J		SNR	50	JPN	1/n	Y. Tanaka

10/22	 7:40	S5 0836+715	AGN	20	JPN	1/n	M. Matsuoka

10/22	18:50	SS 33 (Suppl)	Bin.	10	JPN	1/Y	N. Kawai

10/23	 3:00	MRC 2019+098	AGN	20	ESJ	2/n	W. Brinkman

10/23	18:50	QQ Vul		CV	20	USJ	2/n	K. Mukai

10/24	11:00	MG 2016+112	CG	80	JPN	2/n	T. Takeshima

10/26	17:00	PKS 2149-306	AGN	20	JPN	1/n	M. Matsuoka

10/27	 6:00	IRAS 20460+192	AGN	40	JPN	2/n	Inoue/Ogasaka

10/28	 7:40	SS 433 (N1)	Bin.	10	JPN	1/Y	N. Kawai

10/28	16:50	NGC 6251	AGN	40	US	1/n	M. Birkinshow

(10/29 15:00	to next target)

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
MOT: Manager's observatory time