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ASCA weekly

Dear ASCA users,

Best wishes to all for the new year.

The observation on January 7 is replaced from NGC5506 to Abell 2111
(PPI; Q. Wang, Co-PI; K.Kikuchi). The observation of NGC5506 is
shifted about two weeks to the end of January by the observers request.

Fumiaki Nagase

January 6 -18, 1997	ver-2   (96/01/07)
(ISAS contact scientist:  K. MITSUDA	mitsuda@astro.isas.ac.jp)
Date	MNV	Target 		Tag. 	Exp.	Observation	PI or 
	start	name  		Cat.	(ks)	Cat.  Pri./TC	 ( PPI/Co-PI)
1/ 6	15:30	PG 1309+355	AGN	60	MUJ	1/n	I. George
1/ 8	 5:50	NGC 4941 #2	Gal.	18.7	JPN	2/n	Y. Terashima
						(AO4 suppl.)
1/ 8	18:30	MS 1333.3+1725	CG	35	MUJ	1/n	J. Henry
1/ 9	18:30	A 1775		CG	30	US	2/n	R. Mushotzky

1/10	15:20	1ES2344+514 #1	AGN	40	JUS	2/Y	T. Takahashi

1/11	15:10	CL 0107+31	CG	100	JPN	1/n	K. Yamashita

1/14	 8:30	RX 1238-38	CV	60	ESJ	1/n	C. Hellier

1/15	21:10	Abell 2111	CG	40	MUJ	2/n	Q.Wang	
1/16	19:40	NGC 5347	AGN	40	MUJ	1/n	A. Wilson
1/17	19:30	GB 1428+4217	AGN	40	ESJ	1/n	A. Fabian

(Note) Obs. Cat. JPN: Japan time, US: US time, JUS: Japan-US Collaboration, 
USJ: US-Japan Collaboration,  MJU: Merged Japan-US (PPI=Japan), 
MUJ: Merged US-Japan (PPI=US),  ESJ: ESA-Japan Program, 
MOT: Manager's observatory time (Calibration and maintenance)