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                               ROSSI 2000
                    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
                            March 22-24, 2000

As the pre-eminent large-area X-ray timing mission to date, NASA's Rossi 
X-Ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) has proven a powerful and highly flexible 
tool for studying the variability of the X-ray sky over  a wide range of 
time scales and X-ray energies. In order to bring together a diverse mix 
of researchers working with RXTE data, we are pleased to announce "ROSSI 
2000", a three day meeting to be held Wednesday through Friday, 
March 22-24, 2000, at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, 
Maryland, USA.  The meeting will focus on the wealth of rich new data 
collected from RXTE, which provides us a window into the physics of 
extreme gravity near neutron stars and black holes.  Our aim is to bring 
together observers and theorists studying both Galactic and extragalactic 
sources, to explore the connections between them in a broad astrophysical 

The science program for Rossi2000 is being developed by the Scientific 
Organizing Committee (SOC). A preliminary agenda and the list of invited 
speakers is available at the meeting website at: 
The final program will be organized after receipt of all abstracts.

Membership of Rossi2000 Science Organizing Committee (SOC):

Didier Barret (CESR)
Lars Bildsten (UCSB/ITP)
Deepto Chakrabarty (MIT), Co-Chair
Rick Edelson (UCLA/Leicester), Co-Chair
Biff Heindl (UCSD)
Fred Lamb (U. Illinois/Urbana)
Dimitrios Psaltis (CfA)
Ron Remillard (MIT)
Chris Reynolds (U. Colorado)
Tod Strohmayer (GSFC), Co-Chair
Jean Swank (GSFC)
Paula Szkody (U. Washington)
Michiel van der Klis (Amsterdam)

Submission of abstracts will be handled with a web-based form obtainable 
at http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/xte/rossi/. 
Deadline for the receipt of abstracts is February 11, 2000. 

The Rossi 2000 Meeting will be held at the NASA Goddard Space Flight 
Center in Greenbelt, MD on March 22-24, 2000, in Building 8 Auditorium.  
The meeting will be in session from approximately 8:30 am to 6:00 pm 
each day. 

There is a registration fee of $90 for the meeting. Participants should 
submit payment when completing the confirmation form. Please complete 
the confirmation form no later than Wednesday, March 1, 2000. 
Registration on-site will begin at 7:00 am outside the auditorium. 

A service of
the  High Energy Science Archive Research Center  (HEASARC)

Questions or comments should go to request@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov