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Reminder: ROSSI 2000 Deadlines Approaching!

Dear Colleague,

This is a reminder that the deadlines for submission of abstracts and
registration for the Rossi2000 meeting, March 22-24, 2000 at NASA's
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) are fast approaching. 

Crucial dates:

* Deadline for submission of abstracts -- February 11, 2000

* Deadline for registration -- March 1, 2000

* Deadline to reserve hotel rooms -- February 20, 2000

A special note to all International participants. In order to obtain
the Special Event/Visitors Badge allowing access to GSFC, you must
register no later than Sunday, February 20, 2000. Please see the
conference website at
for specifics about registration and abstracts. 

Please also note that the limited travel support funds have already been
exhausted. We look forward to seeing you in March!  

Best Regards,

Tod Strohmayer (for the Rossi2000 Science Organizing Committee (SOC))

A service of
the  High Energy Science Archive Research Center  (HEASARC)

Questions or comments should go to request@athena.gsfc.nasa.gov