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New ROSAT XRT & PSPC Calibrations files in OGIP CALDB

    New ROSAT XRT and PSPC Calibration Files available in the OGIP CALDB

XRT Calibration Files
The following files are now available in

  xrt_v1.eff_area	- XRT Effective Area (version 1); 
			  729 energies vs 14 off-axis angles
			  (including vignetting)
			  in OGIP-standard format
			  **SUPERCEDED** by xrt_v2.eff_area
			  (Quality should set to BAD at remote CALDBs)
  xrt_v2.eff_area	- XRT Effective Area (version 2);
                          729 energies vs 14 off-axis angles
			  (including vignetting)
                          in OGIP-standard format 

  xrt_v1.egrid		- Standard Incident Energy Grid used for 
			  many the ROSAT XRT calibration datasets
			  729 energy bins
			  in OGIP-standard format

  xrt_v2.vignet		- XRT Vignetting factors
			  729 energies vs 14 off-axis angles
			  (including obscuration)
			  in OGIP-standard format

PSPC Calibration Files
The following files are now available in

  boron_v1.trans	- PSPC Boron filter transmission
			  729 energies
	  		  in OGIP-standard format

  pspc_v1.egrid		- Standard Incident Energy Grid used for
                          many the ROSAT PSPC calibration datasets
                          729 energy bins
                          in OGIP-standard format
  pspc_v1.gas_eff	- PSPC detector efficiency (gas transmission)
			  729 energies
                          in OGIP-standard format
  pspcb_v1.wind_trans	- PSPCB window transmission 
			  729 energies
			  in OGIP-standard format

  pspcc_v1.wind_trans	- PSPCC window transmission 
			  729 energies
			  in OGIP-standard format

The following files are now available in

  pspcb_v1.spec_resp	- "Spectral response" for PSPCB (version 1)
			  729 energies vs 14 off-axis angles
			  consisting of the product of the
			  - XRT effective area:        xrt_v1.eff_area
			  - PSPC gas efficiency:       pspc_v1.gas_eff
			  - PSPCB window transmission: pspcb_v1.wind_trans
			  in OGIP-standard format
			  **SUPERCEDED** by pspcb_v2.spec_resp
			  (Quality should set to BAD at remote CALDBs)

  pspcb_v2.spec_resp	- "Spectral response" for PSPCB (version 2)
			  729 energies vs 14 off-axis angles
			  consisting of the product of the
			  - XRT effective area:        xrt_v2.eff_area
			  - PSPC gas efficiency:       pspc_v1.gas_eff
			  - PSPCB window transmission: pspcc_v1.wind_trans
			  in OGIP-standard format

A Spectral Response dataset for PSPCC is not yet available.

See previous ROSATCALDB message for information concerning the 
recent reorganization of the ROSAT PSPC detector response matrices.

Ian M George