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ASCANEWS problem & new items on the web

(1) We have experienced problems in the ascanews exploder; a full explanation
is given in


However, to summarize, a hardware problem caused roughly 150 names to
be inadvertently removed from the ascanews subscriber list around Nov 5,
1996.  We have attempted to restore the list as best we can; we apologize
for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.

At the same time, we have added AO-5 PIs to the list.  So welcome to
the new subscribers, and congratulations on the success of your
AO-5 proposals.

(2) One of the news items that did not reach some subscribers due to the
problems was the availability of the AO-5 accepted target list:


The first long-term timeline is expected shortly.

(3) We have several new or updated items on the ASCA GOF web pages.  Most
important are the minutes of 1996 Nov Calibration Workshop at ISAS, and
the associated changes in the existing "Calibration Uncertainties" page.
All the new changes are listed in the "What's New" page.

We expect further updates of the GIS-related pages; we will make an
announcement when they become available.

				Koji Mukai for the ASCA GOF.