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FITS formats for window transmission?

	Is there some already defined/agreed FITS format for storing
the transmission of windows for a gas-filled X-ray detector? I guess
this would be quite similar to storing filter transmissions, but I
could not find any applicable document in the legacy archive... We
need this for storing the calibration for the window transmission of
our SAX-LEGSPC detector. Any hints?


    Fabio Favata
    Astrophysics Division, European Space Agency
    P.O. Box 299, 2200 AG, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
    Tel. +31-1719-84665, Fax. +31-1719-84690
    Internet: Fabio.Favata@astro.estec.esa.nl
       Noi fummo i Gattopardi, i Leoni...