Release Notes for AASTeX v4.0 --- May 1995 V4.0 is a major upgrade to the the AASTeX macro package. Please be sure to read these release notes before attempting to use the new release. Also see the sample2.tex and associated files - they have been updated to reflect the new markup. As this package was released there were some known bugs. These bugs as well as others that are found with time, along with workarounds, can be found in the FAQ file on in the pubs/aastex-misc directory. Manuscripts generated under the previous release of AASTeX v3.0 will not necessarily process under v4.0 without a couple of modifications: 1) in the planotable environment, a \enddata command is now needed at the end of the data in the table before the \end{planotable} command. 2) the \markcite-\reference commands for citations and reference lists has been changed (see below). This of course also means that manuscripts prepared under v4.0 will probably not work under v3.0. Many style files have undergone a name change; in most cases just a ``4'' was appended to the name, but check the file names to be certain. The AASTeX macros will now work under LaTeX2e as well as traditional LaTeX. New Markup Commands: -------------------- \planotable -> \deluxetable The name of the AASTeX table environment has been changed to "deluxetable" (the old name was "planotable"). A synonym was added for backwards compatibility. The functionality remains the same. \enddata The data portion of the deluxetable environment must now be enclosed within the \startdata ... \enddata commands. Earlier versions only supported \startdata. \thebibliography A mandatory argument was added to make the definition comply with the LaTeX manual, ie \begin{thebibliography}{}. However, the argument is simply consumed and is not used by the definition. As a side note, do not use \reference at the beginning of a reference in a \bibitem. See sample2.tex for examples of this type of reference list. \place(table,figure) \placetable{KEY} and \placefigure{KEY} can be used to indicate exactly where tables and figures are intended to be placed in the typeset article. These commands require \label{KEY} commands within \caption{} commands in the items to be placed. In the aasms4, aj_pt4, and apjpt4 style files, these commands emit some vertical space surrounding centered text that says EDITOR: PLACE TABLE n HERE (or PLACE FIGURE, whichever is appropriate). In the aaspp4 and aas2pp4 styles, the commands emit no text whatever. \notetoeditor \notetoeditor{TEXT} communicates information to the copy editor from the author. In the manuscript styles (aasms4, aj_pt4, and apjpt4), it behaves like a footnote, generating a superior "E1", "E2", etc., with an associated footnote that writes "E1 NOTE TO EDITOR: ". In the preprint styles (aaspp4 and aas2pp4), \notetoeditor{TEXT} produces no output at all. \epsscale The \epsscale{NUM} command permits authors to override default scaling for \plotone EPS files, ie \epsscale{0.75} would scale the figure to 75% of the default size determined by \plotone. \ptlandscape This command can be used with either the apjpt4 or aj_pt4 style files to format tables in landscape mode. The \ptlandscape command must come before the \begin{deluxetable} command. It is not possible to use this with the manuscript or preprint style files (see the User Guide for alternative options for wide tables with these style files). \arcdeg The symbol \deg was changed to \arcdeg. This was required to avoid a naming conflict with the obscure \deg "log-like" function in LaTeX math mode. \tablecolumns This command sets the number of columns recognized by the \cutinhead and \sidehead commands used in the deluxetable environment, regardless of the actual number of column headings defined in the \tablehead command. The specific purpose is for authors that use \multicolumn or other LaTeX column stuff to define a "fancy" heading (see complext.tex). NOTE: This command will not work *within* the \tablehead command, but works fine if given before or after. amssym.sty The amssym.sty file has been added to the distribution. This style file can be used in the \documentstyle command by those authors wishing to use symbols provided by a local installation of AMSTeX. \phantom shorthand commands The four following commands have been added as shorthand for common uses of the \phantom command that are useful for aligning data in table columns: \phn % Phantom numeral for aligning columns in tables \phd % Phantom decimal for aligning columns in tables \phs % Phantom minus sign for aligning columns in tables \phm{define_your_own} % Generic \phantom command \figcaption[file_name]{TEXT} This command can be used for generating figure captions on a figure caption page: this command is not intended to be used in a figure environment. The captions are simply printed in paragraph mode and the figure numbers are incremented. A \label command can be included in the {TEXT}. The optional [file_name] parameter is intended to be used to identify the figure's EPS file, if it exists - use the actual file name as it appears on disk. \dummytable Used within a table environment, this command simply bumps the table counter. A \label command can also be used so that tables created with the apjpt4 or aj_pt4 style files can be cross-referenced within the main manuscript. \begin{table} \dummytable\label{tbl-3} \end{table} \markcite{KEY} \reference{KEY} The \markcite{KEY} command is used in the body of the manuscript to indicate to the editorial offices which reference in your \begin{references}- \end{references} list goes with the citation that follows the \markcite{KEY} command. All references in the list begin with \reference{KEY} where the KEYs are paired with the KEYs in the \markcite commands. ...determined by Jones \markcite{A1} (1977). \reference{A1} Jones, B. 1977, ApJ, 45, 31 These pieces of markup now require an argument. Bug Fixes: --------- 1) Section heads were sometimes left orphaned at the bottom of a page. This has been fixed. 2) The trailing "." following section numbers referenced in the text has been fixed. 3) Fixed \tablenotetext spacing when the note ran over one line. 4) \tablevspace should now work. 5) \cutinhead was not always spacing correctly. This has been fixed. 6) If the \received and \accepted commands are given null arguments, error messages were generated when the slug line data were formatted by the \begin{abstract} command. This has been fixed. 7) Adjusted the kerning of the arcsecond symbol over the decimal point in \farcs and \farcm so that the symbols are typeset more attractively. 8) Long table captions (\tablecaption) with narrow tables should be handled better now, as long as \tablewidth has a non-zero value. 9) The missing characters at the beginning of the first column on the second page of some deluxetables should now no longer be missed. New Features: ----------- 1) For multi-page deluxetable tables, the tablewidth for every page, not just the last, is printed during processing, if the default table width is used, ie \tablewidth{0pt}. Page 2 of table 3 has been set to width 426.897pt The author can then use this information to set a new width for the table with \tablewidth{} during the next pass. 2) There have been problems associated with \label in deluxetables. This has not been fixed. But, a workaround is to always include the \label command within the \tablecaption command. A good practice would be to include \label commands within all \caption and \figcaption commands. \tablecaption{TEXT. \label{label}}