nteea: non-thermal pair plasma

A nonthermal pair plasma model based on that of Lightman & Zdziarski (1987) from Magdziarz and Zdziarski. It includes angle-dependent reflection from Magdziarz & Zdziarski (1995). In versions 1.1 and above the Compton reflection is done through an internal call to the reflect model. The Greens' function integration required for the Compton reflection calculation is performed to an accuracy of 0.01 (i.e. 1%). This can be changed using e.g. xset NTEEA_PRECISION 0.05.The abundances are set up by the command abund. Send questions or comments to aaz@camk.edu.pl

par1 nonthermal electron compactness
par2 blackbody compactness
par3 scaling factor for reflection (1 for isotropic source above disk)
par4 blackbody temperature in eV
par5 the maximum Lorentz factor
par6 thermal compactness (0 for pure nonthermal plasma)
par7 Thomson optical depth of ionization electrons (e.g., 0)
par8 electron injection index (0 for monoenergetic injection)
par9 minimum Lorentz factor of the power law injection (not used for monoenergetic injection)
par10 minimum Lorentz factor for nonthermal reprocessing
par11 radius in cm (for Coulomb/bremsstrahlung only)
par12 pair escape rate in c (0-1, see Zdziarski 1985)
par13 cosine of inclination angle
par14 iron abundance relative to that defined by abund
par15 redshift z
norm photon flux of the direct component (w/o reflection) at 1 keV in the observer's frame.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 28-May-2024 10:09:22 EDT