this table...

LMCROSXRAY - ROSAT PSPC Catalog of LMC X-Ray Sources (Haberl & Pietsch)



More than 200 ROSAT PSPC observations performed between 1990 and 1994 in a 10 by 10 degree field centered on the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have been analyzed on order to derive a catalogue of X-ray sources. The list contains 758 sources together with their X-ray properties. From cross-correlations of the PSPC catalogue with the SIMBAD data base and literature searches likely identifications are given in the paper from which this catalogue was derived (Haberl & Pietsch 1999, A&AS, 139, 277: Table 10) for 144 of these X-ray sources based on positional coincidence, but also taking into account X-ray properties like hardness ratios and source extent. Forty-six known sources are associated with supernova remnants and candidates in the LMC (SNRs: Haberl & Pietsch 1999, A&AS, 139, 277: Table 6), most of them already detected by previous X-ray missions. The number of known X-ray binaries in the LMC has increased to 17, and of supersoft sources to 9. The remaining ~50% of the identified sources comprise mainly foreground stars (up to 57) and background extragalactic objects (up to 15).

Catalog Bibcode



'A ROSAT PSPC catalogue of X-ray sources in the LMC region', Haberl F., and Pietsch W. 1999, A&AS, 139, 277 = 1999A&AS..139..277H (SIMBAD/NED BibCode).


This database was created at the HEASARC in June 2000 based on the ADC/CDS Catalog J/A+AS/139/277, and is derived from Table 1 of the reference.


The source identification recommended by the CDS Dictionary of Nomenclature of Celestial Objects, where the HEASARC has prefixed the running number given in the original computer-readable table with the acronym 'HP99'.

The right ascension of the X-ray source in the specified equinox. In the original table the RA was given in equinox 2000 and with a precision of 0.1 seconds of time.

The declination of the X-ray source in the specified equinox. In the original table this was given in equinox 2000 and with a precision of 1 arcsecond.

The galactic longitude.

The galactic latitude.

The likelihood of existence (the maximum value from the five detection energy bands).

The vignetting-corrected net exposure time in seconds.

The statistical (90% confidence) error in the X-ray position in arcsec. (There is an additional systematic uncertainty of about 7 arcsec in the position.)

The PSPC 0.1-2.4 keV count rate, in counts per second.

The error in the count rate, in counts per second.

The hardness ratio HR1, defined as HR1 = (H-S)/(H+S), where S and H are the count rates in the 0.1-0.4 keV and 0.5-2.0 keV bands, respectively. This is not calculated in cases where not all of the required count rates are available.

The error in the hardness ratio HR1 (hardness_ratio_1).

The hardness ratio HR2, defined as HR2 = (H2-H1)/(H1+H2), where H1 and H2 are the count rates in the 0.5-0.9 keV and 0.9-2.0 keV bands, respectively. This is not calculated in cases where not all of the required count rates are available.

The error in the hardness ratio HR2 (hardness_ratio_2).

The X-ray source extent derived from the same detection as for the source position, in arcsec.

The likelihood for the extent.

The ROSAT observation identifier.

The Off-axis angle of the X-ray source, in arcmin.

The distance to the detector window support structure or the detector rim, in units of the FWHM of the instrument resolution at the position of the X-ray source in the detector.

The catalog source number.

Remarks about the X-ray source: abbreviations for references given in parenthesis are as follows:

  ABM72  1972A&AS....6..249A Ardeberg et al.
  C97    1997AJ....113.1815C Chu
  CMG93  1993ApJ...414..213C Chu et al.
  CS98   1998AN....319..101C Chu & Snowden
  CCH84  1984ApJ...286..196C Cowley et al.
  CSM97  1997PASP..109...21C Cowley et al.
  CGC97  1997AJ....114.2353C Crampton et al.     Cat. <J/AJ/114/2353>
  CMN98  1998IAUC.6861R...1C Cusumano et al.
  DBC94  1994ApJS...93..455D Dopita et al.
  DEM76  1976MmRAS..81...89D Davies et al.
  DWS97  1997PASP..109..345D Downes et al.       Cat. <V/94>
  FHW98  1998A&AS..130..421F Filipovic et al.    Cat. <J/A+AS/130/421>
  FD73   1973A&AS...10..231F Fehrenbach & Duflot
  GGO93  1993A&AS...99..591G Gochermann et al.   Cat. <J/A+AS/99/591>
  GH90   1990PASP..102..849G Gurwell & Hodge
  GOG97  1997A&AS..121..247G Grothues et al.     Cat. <J/A+AS/121/247>
  HP99   1999A&A...344..521H Haberl & Pietsch
  HPD95  1995A&A...303L..49H Haberl et al.
  JJA91  1991A&A...252..229J Jaschek et al.
  LHG81  1981ApJ...248..925L Long et al.
  MCC98  1998ApJ...493..260M Mac Low et al.
  MHH96  1996ApJS..106..341M Moran et al.
  O94    1994A&AS..106..257O Olsen               Cat. <J/A+AS/106/257>
  O97    1997A&A...325L...1O Orio et al.
  PMA95  1995MNRAS.274.1165P Pye et al.          Cat. <J/MNRAS/274/1165>
  SCF94  1994PASP..106..843S Schmidtke et al.
  SCL94  1994AJ....108.1266S Smith et al.
  SEL95  1995AJ....110.1993S Sanders et al.      Cat. <J/AJ/110/1993>
  T80    1980ApJS...44....1T Twarog
  WHHW91 1991ApJ...374..475W Wang et al.
  WH91   1991ApJ...373..497W Wang & Helfand
  WBB87  1987MNRAS.227..705W White et al.
  WBA91  1991MNRAS.248..398W White et al.
  WCD97  1997ApJ...480..618W Williams et al.

Insecure identifications from positional uncertainty begin with '?' in the remark. Candidates from literature are marked with '?' after the source class name. Other abbreviations are as follows:

      SEP: in pointing near south ecliptic pole,
      GSC: HST guide star catalogue (Lasker et al., 1990, ADS Cat. I/220),
      NED: NASA/IPAC extragalactic database, operated by the Jet Propulsion
           Laboratory , California Institute of Technology, under contract
           with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
       fg: foreground,
      var: X-ray variable,
    const: X-ray constant.

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2022 19:35:10 EST