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The ClassX X-ray source classifiers

The links below take you to pages where you can submit a file containing a list of target locations, with each line in the file containing the equatorial coordinates of a target (in decimal degrees), separated by white space (or any other delimiter you specify). Optional targets identifiers may also be supplied. A typical file might look like this:

NGC7955 191.799 26.713
NGC7959 191.925 26.982
NGC4787 193.522 27.068
ComaA   193.549 27.626
NGC4789 193.579 27.068

For more details on the file format, click here. After selecting your local file of target data, select a classifier from the classifier list. Then press the Classify Sources button. Your file will be uploaded to the ClassX server, and your target list will be submitted to the ClassX pipeline. The pipeline will determine which correlative data is required, get that data, and submit the data to the chosen classifier. The resulting table of classified sources will then appear as an HTML or text table.

Classifier type Older Newer
RASSBSC-trained 20030212 20030713
WGACAT-trained 20030220 20030714
Core classifiers Core
Core classifiers stripped for MPIE use Core2

Date of last modification: Friday 30 January 2004
Responsible NASA official: Tom McGlynn
Curator: Eric Winter