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Each Gas Imaging Spectrometer (GIS) is a xenon-filled imaging gas scintillation proportional counter. Two of these instruments, being provided by the University of Tokyo and ISAS, will make up the other half of the instrumental payload. The GIS will complement the SIS: above the xenon L edge (approximately 5 keV) the GIS has a detection efficiency which is both greater than the SIS and which falls off less rapidly; unlike the SIS, the GIS will observe the entire field of view of the telescopes (30 x 30 arcminutes), covering an area 1.7 times larger than the SIS. At 5.9 keV the resolution of the GIS is 8 per cent.

The GIS has four different modes: pulse height (PH) mode, multi-channel pulse count (MPC) mode, position calibration (PCAL) mode, and memory-check mode. Observations will normally be carried out in PH mode.

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Keith Arnaud