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The SF will be in FITS format and will contain all the science data
from the FRF. For each of the four detectors (two GIS, two SIS), the SF
will contain all the information necessary to reconstruct the origin
and time of each photon. There will be one primary table plus three
FITS extensions:
- Primary table: a list of all detected X-ray photons and
their attributes including
- arrival time (spacecraft time)
- individual CCD detector coordinates (SIS), unlinearized
detector coordinates (GIS)
- focal plane detector coordinates (SIS), linearized detector
coordinates (GIS)
- RA & dec
- energy
- spread (in the case of the SIS), rise time (GIS)
- event quality
- photon quality flag
- Extension-1: Attitude table
- Extension-2: Orbit table
- Extension-3: Instrument configuration, i.e. mode, bit-rate,
on-off status.
The close-to-final version of the FITS SF format is given in the
Keith Arnaud