Next: System testing and data
Up: Processing system
Previous: Instrument dependent items
The first priority is to supply Guest Observers with their data and a
copy of the standard processing system. GOs will receive their data in
two forms:
- the unprocessed FRF, AF and OF, and
- the FITS files produced by the processing system.
Since the FITS files have been only lightly corrected, we anticipate
that most users will want to work with these files, rather than with
the raw data.
The GOs will be supplied with the following immediately upon
receipt of the data from ISAS:
- Calibration data
- Concatenated FRF
- Concatenated SF and HKF
- FSF and the default selection criteria used to produce it
The GOs will also be supplied with, as soon as possible:
- Data products, namely images, exposure maps and background
maps plus, for each detector and for each detected source, a PHA
spectrum, light curves in various energy bands, and source lists.
The GOs will also receive, in advance, their copies of the Reformatter
and Selector software. Once the GOFs have received their data and
the processing system, they will be able to implement calibration and
software updates themselves at their home institutions. There will be
no irreversible filtering applied to the data so that it will be possible
to regenerate the calibrated FITS files using calibration updates.
Next: System testing and data
Up: Processing system
Previous: Instrument dependent items
Keith Arnaud