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Error Handling

The program checks for a number of error conditions and generates an appropriate message before terminating when one is found. The errors conditions that the program deals with are listed below. There is very limited error checking at input time from the nature of the input. Numerical input are checked to a certain degree for valid ranges. If the wall distance cannot be read from the SAGE namelist, an error is generated. Errors opening input files (timeline, exposure history, calibration) files are fatal. Time conversion errors from the times in the timeline file are flagged. If the user time range cannot be found in the timeline file or if the range spans viewing periods, an error is produced. There is a limit of 8000 entries for the exposure history file. If the file contains more, an error is found. A warning message is produced if the time range is greater than then exposure history file range or if the current mode is not recognized. If the return code from one of the SENSTV routines is not 0 the program terminates in error.

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